My sweet beloved,
How did it end up like this?Moments ago your laugh filled my world.
Spreading light and happinessNow all I can hear is the faint echo
Taunting me and tormenting.With thoughts of what was and what could of been.
I walk the empty corridors of my soul.
I search for any of the happiness we shared together.
All i find are memories turned black and white.
What happen to the rose coloured glasses that once adorned my eyes.
How vibrant the world seemed with you by my side.Oh how all my heart was yours
Now it lies on the floor in a pile of shatters.It lays beneath the image of you i burned into my soul
I will miss your gentle touch how it would make me feel safe but strong at the same time.
Your lovely smile which would pierce the darkness that loomed over me.
Your eyes how they would comfort me and help me escape.
But what I will miss most is your love words can never describe how that effected me.
Poems From a Mad mind.
PoésiePoems I have written. They tend to be quick reads. Some sad, happy, depressing, deep, and everything in between. They are not all good but I like to think I have a few good ones scattered through. Some are short some are longer. So are simple some a...