Chapter 1

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During a long, lonely night, a girl sits in her room. The tension between her four white walls was thick. Everything since Better Living Industries took over Los Angeles or now known as Battery City has been what they call "simple as black and white." All color was either demolished or thrown to the outskirts of the city, blown away or decomposed in the hot desert sun. She was sick of it. Sick of the neutrality. Sick of the same thing every day. Sick of the black and white. And mostly, sick of the pills. The pills that let everything in this "amazing" Battery City happen. The pills that made everyone feel nothing. No hate, no love, no happy, no sad, no emotion. Well she was different from the rest and she knew that. Instead of following the status quo to feel nothing she knew she wanted to feel something. Anything. She started to spit out the pills, trying to make it a day or two without them, but the withdrawals were bad. Not feeling emotion for over 9 years and suddenly having it crash through you is overwhelming. She wants out. And with that, she gathered her courage and began to pack.

There wasn't much to pack. Just her white bomber jacket, an extra pair of black combat boots, her sewing kit, the very few precious books she owned, her radio, her pills (just in case of withdrawals), and as much food and water she could. She didn't know how long it would be until she found a place to restock. She knew she wouldn't be alone out there in the desert, there would be draculoids and killjoys. She knew to stay away from the draculoids and pray to find a killjoy or two. Hopefully radio channel 109 will help her find someone. She didn't know, all she knew was to run.

There weren't many guards at the Battery City border, only two or three. She easily knocks them out and runs through the tunnel, scared of reinforcements. Once she reaches the desert at the end of the tunnel she begins to walk. The dark was blinding but she stayed at the edge of the road to no get lost. She walked and walked until light penetrated the darkness.

She stops and sits, taking a food break. She grabs her radio and switches it to channel 109. She hears the DJ named Doctor Death Defying talk through the contraption.

"Look alive sunshine, 109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit. You're here with me, Dr. Death Defying. I'll be your surgeon, your proctor, your helicopter.
Pumpin' out the slaughtermatic sounds to keep you alive. A system failure for the masses, Anti-matter for the master plan. Louder than God's revolver & twice as shiny. This one's for all of you rock'n'rollers, All you crash queens & motor babies. Listen up: The future is bulletproof, the aftermath is secondary. It's time to do it now and do it loud, Killjoys, MAKE SOME NOISE!"

She giggles and sings along to Na Na Na, her favorite song even before the disasters. It made her feel safe, it reminded her of home. After the song was over, Dr. Death Defying spoke again, but she decided to turn off her radio and head out again just as he was mentioning Draculoid sightings. She packed up and started walking through the deserted wasteland, kicking up sand as she went.

About an hour passed before she came across a sign that read "Route Guano" she looked at it for a second, at least a little relieved she knew where she was. The withdrawals started a few minutes ago and it was hitting her hard, but she was determined to not take pills. Her eyesight was hazy and she stumbled as she walked, her hearing not the best either. She continued to walk before feeling a searing pain in her leg. She yelped and fell over. She looked around, searching for the attacker and finds a blurry looking Draculoid a few feet away from her gun raised. Shit, I forgot to pack a gun she thinks to herself as she slowly struggles to get away as she slowly loses consciousness from blood loss. The darkness floods her as she prays she doesn't die at the hands of this Draculoid.

A/N:   Hey guys! Sorry for the boring chapter. I promise the next one will be more exciting!

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