Chapter 6

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Show Pony skates quickly to Party's room, Crash stumbling behind him to keep up. 

"Why are we here Pony?" She asks confused. Pony ignores the question as he sticks his head out of the room.


"SHE SHOULD BE IN HER ROOM!" Ghoul yells back.

"OKAY THANKS!" Pony responds before skating to Missile Kid's room, telling Crash to hurry up as she tries to keep up with the overhyped Killjoy. They both stumble into Missile's room, making a surprised Missile Kid jump up from reading her book screeching.

"YOU SHITHEAD SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH!" She yells at an amused looking Show Pony. 

"LANGUAGE MISSILE KID!" The Fabulous Killjoys shout in unison from the Diner area. She huffs, clearly annoyed. Crash Rays looks at the younger Killjoy, her afro hair and fair dark skin. She can tell she's going into her early teens. Crash saddens at the thought of having children live in this messed up world. Even then, Missile looks to stand her ground and seems as though she's a survivor. 

"What do you want Pony? And who's this?" She says, referring to Crash curiously. 

"This is Crash Rays. She's an escapee from Battery City that the boys found half dead on the side of the road a few days ago. They didn't want to tell you because they didn't want you to worry so she's been staying in Party's room. She wants to be a Killjoy and she's got a Killjoy name but now she needs a Killjoy look so I came to you for help." Pony explains. Missile's face looks excited.

"Well, what are you waiting for! Let's look in my closet and see if anything fits her. The boys bring me any female clothing so most of it's big on me anyway." Pony sits Crash on the bed while he and Missile look through the closet.

After a few hours of looking, trying on clothes, going through the clothes Crash brought in her bag, personalizing and changing items, they had Crash's look.

After a few hours of looking, trying on clothes, going through the clothes Crash brought in her bag, personalizing and changing items, they had Crash's look

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(Minus Piercings and glasses)

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(Minus Piercings and glasses)

Crash looks at herself in the slightly rusted mirror in awe as Pony and Missile admire their work proudly. Missile jumps up and down and claps, smiling. She grabs Crash's wrist and pulls her with all her might towards the hallway. 

"Let's go show the boys!" She squeals excitedly as Crash laughs and starts following Missile and Pony through the hallway. Missile runs ahead to the Diner area to "present" Crash to the group. 

"ATTENTION PLEASE!" Missile yells at the amused-looking Killjoys. They always find it funny when Missile becomes overdramatic. "I now present to you, the new and improved, CRASH RAYS!" Crash struts out, confidence that she barely has filling her every move. She gives the boys a smirk. The boy's jaws literally drop as they stare. She giggles. 

"Boys close your mouths, you'll catch flies." She says. Party recovers first, closing his mouth and smirking. He felt his heart ache for her but ignored the feeling. He couldn't make a move, not after what happened last time he fell for a girl, not yet. 

"Well, she's a Killjoy now. Crash, would you like to join the Fabulous Killjoys?" Party asks. She smiles and nods. The boys and Missile cheer but Party mentally dreads. If something happened to that girl he wouldn't know what he would do. He mentally promises himself to protect her, along with the other Killjoys, at any cost.

He would be put to the test with that promise soon enough.

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