Chapter 2

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~Fabulous Killjoy POV sort of~

The Fabulous Killjoys were the most notorious Killjoy gang in the California desert. They were known for their generosity and their excellent combat skills among the other Killjoys. Right now they were on patrol, making sure no Dracs were near their base or as they called it, "The Diner." They were listening to Na Na Na and singing along as they zoomed through the desert on Route Guano. After the song, there was an emergency announcement from Dr. D.

"Killjoys! I've been notified that there's a small Drac sighting in Zone 5 by Route Guano. Make sure to stay safe and stay alert! Dr. D. over and out." Party Poison, the leader of the Fabulous Killjoys, smirked.

"Are you boys up for some target practice?" He asks, mentioning the Drac sighting. They all in unison said "Yeah!" And they zoomed faster through the desert, whooping and hollering.

When they made it to Zone 5, they stayed vigil and slowed down the Trans Am. They saw a person walking on the side of the road a little ways ahead of them, stumbling a bit. They pulled out their guns, ready to shoot what they thought was a Drac. Before they could shoot, they saw the person fall and scream and scramble to try to get up but ending up unconscious. Party looked at the other guys with a worried expression before speeding the Trans Am over to the person's figure. It was a girl with striking features. A Drac was going through her bag and Fun Ghoul shot it dead. They pulled over and got out.

"Ghoul, Kobra, secure the area, make sure there's no more Dracs around. Jet help me check her pulse and put her stuff in the trunk." They all nod. Party starts to loot the Drac for the girl's belongings and put them back in her bag, zipped up her bag, and put it in the trunk of the Trans Am as Jet Star checks her pulse, wraps up her leg, and sets her down gently in the passenger's seat of the Trans Am, buckling her seatbelt. Jet checks her, looking for anything to know who she is. It's quite odd to find a girl in the middle of the desert in plain white and black clothes. Obviously not a Killjoy. He checks her arm and sees a few scars trying to cover a serial number. His eyes widened.

"Party! You might want to come see this!" He calls out. Party comes over and Jet shows him the serial number and scars "She's from Battery City," Jet says, concern lacing his features at the scars. "Looks like she didn't want to be a part of it and ran away." Jet looks at his leader and friend with a look that says What do we do with her? Party understood the look and responded, "We'll keep a close eye on her. She doesn't seem like a spy but we can't know for sure. She can stay in my room for the time being." He says and Jet nods. Ghoul and Kobra come back saying that there were no more Dracs. Party nods, "Let's go. The sooner we get her to the diner and under the care of Dr. D, the better." They nod and they all get into the Trans Am, Party driving and everyone besides the girl in the backseat.  

A/N: I hope this turned out decent. Sorry, it was short. Will update soon                                                             ~DRS

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