Chapter 3

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Party Poison sits patiently by his bed, now occupied by the mysterious girl they picked up. It's been about 24 hours since they found her unconscious and she still hasn't woken up. Dr. D states that she'll be fine but Party still won't leave her side. He's "afraid she'll run if she wakes up alone." Or at least that's what his excuse is to the other Fabulous Killjoys. His internal reasoning is that he doesn't want her to wake up alone in an unfamiliar place. He knew he would want someone to explain if he woke up in her situation.

The girl seemed uncomfortable not peaceful which Party found odd. It only made him more curious about her. He saw her shift a little and her eyes begin to open. He smirked, "Fellas! She's waking up!" He calls. He watches her shift more. She then moves her healing leg and yelps, immediately waking up, panting. She looks around the room with wild eyes.

Her eyes land upon the shocked Party, she calms down a little. She begins to hyperventilate, "H-Help me." She manages to say.

Party nods and yells "Guys come quick! Hurry!" She flinches at his loud voice and he gives her an apologetic look. She flinches in pain as she hugs her legs just as three other boys ran into the room. She looks at them with fear as they point guns at her. Party signals them to lower their guns and they do so. He crouches so he doesn't seem as intimidating if he even looks intimidating.

"Hey." He says softly. "We're not going to hurt you. We saw the Drac shoot you and we took you back to our base to take care of your leg. Is there anything you need that'll help you feel better?" He asks calmly with a gentle face. She processes this information before responding.

"P-Pills. M-My pills in my bag." She says. Party's eyes furrow before turning to Jet Star.

"Jet Star can you look through her bag for her pills please?" He asks. Jet nods and goes to look through her bag as Kobra leaves to get her some water

Jet soon returns with concern in his eyes. "Party can I talk to you outside please?" Party nods and steps out of the room, leaving ghoul to help calm her down. He turns to Jet, "What's wrong?"

"Look at these," He says holding out a white pill bottle. Party grabs it and looks at the label. It reads, "Happy Pills" along with the Better Living Industries logo. Party scrunches his face in disgust. "Those were the pills in her bag." Jet inquires. Party shakes his head, "We're not giving her these. It'll just brainwash her," he immediately says.

Jet looks at him confused, "What're we going to do to calm her down then? Having strong emotions hit you immediately must be stressful and she's not taking it too well." Party thinks for a second.

"Give her some Nyquil. We should have some in the cabinet over the sink in the kitchen. It won't hurt her and she'll just sleep it off. Hopefully, she'll get through this quickly." Jet nodded and went to get the Nyquil. Party steps back into the room with Jet and Kobra. They see something surprising.  

Inside Party's room, Fun Ghoul sits criss-cross on the bed while the girl straddles him in a hug as she cries into his chest. Ghoul strokes her hair in a comforting way as she trembles. 

"Shh. It's okay. You're okay." he murmurs. He looks up and sees the guys. Ghoul blushes lightly at seeing them stare at him. He's supposed to be the tough one besides Kobra. He gives them a half smile before adjusting his position and stops stroking her hair. 

"Look. The guys found your pills and brought you some water." The girl sniffles before looking up from Ghoul's chest, still clinging onto him. Her eyes were red and glassy. She still trembles. Jet gives her the Nyquil and Kobra hands her the water. She cautiously swallows the pill with some water. Her eyes become drowsy almost immediately. Her tense state slowly relaxes. Ghoul stands up and leans down, carefully setting her on the bed and putting the covers over her. 

"Alright Girly, I'll see you in a little bit okay?" He says to her. She nods. He smiles and walks out of the room to change his jacket and shirt. 

"We're all going to go and give you some rest," Party awkwardly says as Jet and Kobra begin to leave. 

The girl's eyes widen and she tenses, "P-Please don't leave me alone." She pleads. Kobra, Jet, and Party all look at each other. 

Party let out a tiny sigh, "You two go and get something to eat. I'll stay with her." He gives them a half smile that they return. They walk out, closing the door behind them. Party turns and finds the girl fighting to stay awake. He sits in a chair awkwardly. She scoots over and pats the empty space next to her on the bed. She probably would never admit it, but she hasn't had any affectionate touches in years, even from her parents. And when Ghoul hugged her, she didn't realize she's been craving touch all these years. Party looks at her curiously before laying on the bed. She mentally wishes he would hug her or something. Party seems to get the hint that it calms her as he cautiously puts an arm around her. She visibly relaxes instantly. They shift so he's spooning her. 

"Thank you for saving me," she murmurs before dozing off.

 He smiles a bit "Anytime," he says before slowly falling asleep too.

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