Chapter 8

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"Morning." Is the first thing she hears as she slowly wakes up. The first thing she processes feeling is a warm body pressed against hers. She smiles to herself then looks up into Party's eyes.

"Morning Gee," she says quietly. He stiffens a bit at the nickname. Crash just always felt like calling him Party felt so formal and she hated it. She liked his real name better.

He sighs and relaxes a bit, "I haven't been called that in years," he murmurs, then smiles a bit. "I like it." Crash smiles a bit. Party's face suddenly turned serious, "But you can only call me that in private. If Better Living knows my real name, who knows what could happen." She nods and cuddles back into his side and they're silent for a few minutes, a comfortable silence.

"I don't know much about you," Party says suddenly. Crash looks up at him a bit confused.

"I mean, you know my name, my real name, and who knows what else drunk me said. Yet I don't know your name or your past," He explains. Crash sighs and squirms uncomfortably. Her body moves into a fetal position and she turns away from him slowly.

Party freaks out a bit thinking she hates him now until he sees her shaking. His eyes widen. "Crash? Crash what's wrong?" He hurries to turn her over to face him to see her hyperventilating and starting to sweat. She's having withdrawals. 

Party jumps out of bed and practically sprints to the hall, "GUYS GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE NOW!" 

Party goes back to Crash and sits her up. She's looking all around the room wildly as if there's a million people surrounding them. The guys after a minute run in and see what's going on and sees Crash. 

"She's having withdrawals," Party informs them.

"No shit Sherlock!" Ghoul shouts as he rushes to Crash's side and tries to soothe her by combing his fingers through her hair and speaking sweetly and calmly to her. 

"P-Pills," She chokes out, now letting out sobs. The guys look at each other for a moment. 

"Shh girlie, you'll be okay, you'll be okay, you don't need pills, you'll get through this," Ghoul mumbles to her softly. 

"No! No! I need them! Help please!" She screams desperately through sobs. Ghoul and Party look at the other two. 

"Give her the damn pills," They say in unison. Both their hearts breaking at her sobs and pleas. 

"No." Kobra states firmly, "She needs to get through this so we don't have to go through this again." Jet nods agreeing. 

"Look at her! She's in pain! We can stop that pain! We can help her!" Party yells at his brother. 

"It only stops the pain temporarily! It wouldn't be helping her it would be destroying her! If we give her the pills, she'll need more a few days later because there'll be more withdrawals! And then what happens when she runs out? Huh?" Kobra yells back. All the commotion isn't helping Crash's condition and she cries more and more and is shaking violently by now. Ghouls strokes her hair in some form of comfort. 

"The three of you! Out! NOW!" Ghoul yells before Party can say another word. "You're stressing her out more! GO!" They all immediately leave knowing it's no use to defy Ghoul, he would willingly shoot them in the leg if he had to. 

"Th-They're everywhere..." Crash mumbles through sobs. She looks wildly around the room and backs up on the bed. Ghoul follows and sits next to her on the bed and she immediately goes into his lap and Koala hugs him, looking like a scared child hugging their big brother. 

"Shh, who's everywhere Girlie?" 

"T-Terminators," She shivers as she says the name, "Th-They won't go away. They're getting closer!" She shakes and struggles to breathe properly. 

"Hey no. Don't do that. Close your eyes. Breathe Crash, breathe. You're safe, you're safe."

She follows his instructions and after about an hour she mellows out completely. 

"Thank you," She murmurs. 

"Anytime," He responds. 

After a minute, she slowly untangles herself from him. They sit on the edge of the bed together. 

"What happened?" He asks quietly. 

She stays silent for a moment, "...Party asked about my past, it triggered something. Almost like remembering things from my past triggered my withdrawals because the past is so... painful."  

Ghoul nods his head in understanding. 

Then there's silence again.

Ghoul gets up, "You should tell Party what you told me, he really cares about you, you know?"

Crash nods solemnly and Ghoul walks to the door and holds it, "For now, get some rest though. I'll tell them you're okay, do you want Party in here?" Crash nods again and with that Ghoul was out the door only for someone to fill the doorway a moment later, Party.

Crash sinks down into the bed and Party is immediately by her side. She starts to cover herself in blankets she can reach on the bed. Party smiles a bit and grabs the blankets around his room and puts them on the bed so she can wrap herself in them. She giggles and continues to cover herself until they ran out of blankets and Crash was a blanket burrito, "My mom used to wrap me up like this and watch movies," She says smiling at the memory. They stay where they are in silence for a moment.

"Y/N," Crash says quietly causing Party to perk up, "My name, Y/N."

Party smiles, "Y/N..." He murmurs, testing the sound of it on his tongue,"I love it."

Crash smiles back and with that, she lets him into her blanket burrito.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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