Chapter 4

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The next day, Jet creaks the door open to Party's room, worried because he hasn't seen Party nor the girl at breakfast. He sees them peacefully sleeping together. He gushed for a moment before closing the door and leaving them to sleep. Party hasn't slept very well lately and he's glad that he's found peace with this girl. He grabs his bag and goes out to the Trans Am to meet with the other guys to search for supplies.


The mysterious girl woke up from her peaceful sleep. She felt something she hasn't felt in a long time in her heart, warmth. She feels arms lightly tighten around her waist. She turns around to see a sleeping Party clinging to her as if she was a teddy bear. She found it cute but felt extremely hungry. She slowly and cautiously unwrapped his arms from her waist and got off the bed, making sure to recover him with blankets before leaving the room. She walks down the hallway into a diner looking area that's deserted. She looks out the window to see no one outside. Her heart drops a bit, wishing to see Ghoul right now. She turns to the kitchen area of the diner to see her bag on the ground. She could run right now and no one would know for at least half an hour. She hesitates before shaking off the idea. These people took her in and took care of her, their intentions couldn't be sinister, could they?

She shoves that thought into the back of her mind and continues to explore the kitchen. She opens a few cabinets only to find them empty. She thinks about eating the food she brought in her bag but thinks it should be used for extreme situations.

"You won't find anything in there," someone says behind her. She automatically closes the cabinet she was looking in and turns around. Behind her is a guy in a white crop top that says "NOISE" and polka dot yoga pants with black underwear over. He was also wearing roller skates and carrying a decorated astronaut looking helmet.

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't m-mean to go snooping I-I was just-" He cuts her off.

"Woah girly, it's fine. I just wanted to tell you there's no food in those cabinets. Here," he skates over to cabinets she hasn't checked yet. He opens the cabinets to reveal tons of canned food called "Power Pup". "Here's where the food is." She practically runs to the cabinet and opens some power puff, slowly beginning to gulp down the treacherous food using her hand. He smiles at her. "Oh!" He puts out his hand for her to shake. "I seem to be forgetting my manners, my name's Show Pony."

She sets down the power pup and shakes his hand with the hand she didn't use to eat and looks at him confused, "What's with the weird names?" She blurts out, thinking that Ghoul, Jet, Kobra, Party, and now Show Pony are odd names. He looks down shyly "Us Killjoys give ourselves new names to protect our identity from Better Living Industries." She nods in understanding.

"I don't have a Killjoy name..." She murmurs.

"Well do you want to be a Killjoy?" Show Pony asks. She nods. He thinks for a second. "Well, what are you good at? Like what are your skills?" She shrugs and looks down embarrassed. "Hmm... Well, come on. We have an obstacle course sort of thing set up out back so the boys can train. We'll see if you have any skills!" He says cheerily as he smiles. She smiles back and follows him out the back door, feeling like she finally has an actual friend in this lonely world.  

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