Chapter 7

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"Who... Who wants to play a game?" Kobra slurs. After Crash agreed to join the Fabulous Killjoys they decided to open up the stash of special occasion liquor. Needless to say, everyone besides Missile Kid and Dr. Death are drunk. Some more than others. 

Kobra gets everyone to agree to play truth or dare. and they all sit in a circle. The game started innocent enough, like running around the diner thinking you're a model or a rock star and Crash learned the Killjoy's real names, but the second Party dared Kobra to make out with Jet, Missile, pony, and Dr. Death went to their rooms for the night. After a few inappropriate truths, Crash decided that she would pick dare. 

What's the worst that could happen? She thinks to herself. Finally, Ghoul calls on her.

"Crash! Truth or dare?" he slurs. she giggles. She was the least drunk out of all of them.

"Dare." She says confidently. Ghoul thinks for a second.

"I dare you... To have a heated make-out sesh with Party!" He says proudly. Both Crash and Party turn bright red and the rest of the Killjoys giggle. 

"W-What makes it heated?" Crash stutters out. 

"I dunno... Straddle him and tongue I guess." Ghoul laughs drunkenly at Crash's reaction. She looks at Party who's eyes are wide and cheeks are red as his hair. She gulps down her terror and nervousness. 

"I-I never back down from a dare. Are you okay with this?" She asks. Party looks at the other Killjoys with murder in his eyes before turning back to Crash Rays.

"I-I'm okay w-with this." He mentally curses at himself for stuttering. Crash nods and slowly scoots closer to Party and cautiously gets on his lap, every 5 seconds looking up at him to make sure he was still okay. Once she was straddling him, she looked up at him. They looked at each other for a few seconds, taking in the moment. Crash cautiously kisses him, just a light peck to see how he would react. He smiles at her and kisses her, this time deepening it. She squeaks but melts into the kiss. Crash puts her hands in his hair, lightly tugging as Party grips her waist and partially her ass. It's been a long time since he's been with a girl like this and he was enjoying that he was kissing Crash Rays, a girl he's been attracted to since the start. He licks her bottom lip and she opens her mouth. They fight for dominance and Party wins, exploring every part of her mouth. She moves a little in his grip and he groans at the friction, immediately blushing at what he did. Crash hums in satisfaction against his lips. 

After a while they pull away for air, panting and looking at each other with so much passion. Then they hear the other Killjoys cheer, whistling. 

"THAT WAS HOT!" Ghoul shouts. The two Killjoys that seemed to fall in love through a simple kiss, blush hard. Crash tries to get out of Party's lap but he's still holding her. She looks up at him questionably. His cheeks redden even more if that's possible.

"U-Um if you want you can stay wh-where you are. Y-You don't have t-to!" She giggles at his nervousness and takes his hands off her waist. she gets off and awkwardly pokes his leg to tell him to open his legs. He seems to get the signal and opens his legs. She cautiously goes and sits between his legs, leaning back onto his chest and putting his arms around her. 

"There." She mumbles, satisfied with how comfortable his chest is. They both just observed the drunk Killjoys doing weird stuff and laughing their asses off. Crash started to pass out as Party was stroking her hair (Okay I know it sounds weird but it's calming ok). Once she was out, Party slowly gets up and picks her up, careful not to wake her. He takes her to his room and lays her on his bed, putting the covers over her. He's about to leave the room to scold the remaining drunk Killjoys when Crash wakes up just a little bit.

"S-Stay." She murmurs. He sighs and crawls into bed with her. She smiles and cuddles into him before slowly letting sleep overcome her. Party puts his arms around her and smiles, slowly falling asleep.

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