Chapter 5

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Party grudgingly wakes up. He looks at the clock on his nightstand. His eyes widen as he sees it read "1:03 PM."

"SHIT," He yells as he gets out of bed, stumbling to pull up his jeans and put on his jacket. He remembers sleeping with the girl to calm her down but put little thought in his mind about where she was right now. Right now he was worried about the Fabulous Killjoys leaving him while they went on the supply run and ending up dead. He runs out to the diner to find them curiously looking out through the window, unscathed. He lets out a sigh of relief. "Did you guys go on the supply run?" He asks a little too loudly through pants. They shush him, nod, and continue to look through the window. He walks towards them a little confused. "What are you looking at?" He questions curiously, now whispering. They make room for him to look through the window too. Ghoul points at her smiling. The girl was blindfolded in the makeshift shooting range, gun in her hand. Show Pony hides behind a piece of metal with the target remote in his hand. He presses a random combination of buttons and presses the green button. They see the girl take a deep breath. The first target flips up. Before it's even completely up, the girl has shot it down. Then random targets flip up around her and yet again even without vision, shoots them with skill and precision. The boys watch with awe. She finished barely breaking a sweat. She takes her blindfold off and smiles at Pony. Suddenly one last target stands up behind her. She immediately jumps and shoots it dead on. She walks back toward Pony and they high five. The four boys open the window and whoop and holler, clapping in applause. She giggles and embarrassingly does a clumsy bow. The boys walk out to the back towards her.

"Where did you learn how to shoot like that?" Kobra asks, clearly impressed.

"I've never held a gun before. The immediate instinct to know where the target is from living in Battery City. The rest is adrenaline and being a little trigger happy." She says a little embarrassed.

"And we've come up with her Killjoy name!" Pony says excitedly. He presents her in the most dramatic way possible, "Meet Crash Rays!" She awkwardly waves. The boys grin.

"Crash Rays?" Jet says in almost a questioning voice, testing the name on his tongue. "I like it," He says smiling. Crash returns the smile. everyone agrees on the name. 

"From now on I dub thee, Crash Rays," Party jokingly says. They all laugh. Show Pony perks up as if remembering something. He gives Crash a sly grin before grabbing her hand and running into the diner, her stumbling behind as they leave the Killjoys dumbfounded and confused. 

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