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when you're born you are born with a date only you could see tattooed onto your body. that date is the day where you will meet your soulmate. sadly you don't know who it is or where you'll meet them, it's only the day, year, and month. when you finally do meet them the tattoo disappears signifying you've met them.

i was born with III/X/MMXIX.

March eleventh, 2019. that was today, the first day of UA high. i knew it meant i would be meeting lots of new people.

"Eijiro! you're going to be late for your first day!" my moms voice interrupted my thoughts and i quickly finished spiking up my freshly dyed hair.

grabbing my bag i ran downstairs and kissed my moms cheek.

"i'll see you later."

"have a good first day!" my dad called from the other room as i was walking out the door.

my house wasn't that far from the school so i decided to walk. walking gave me time to be alone with my thoughts.

'today's the day eijiro! just keep an eye out and you'll definitely find them.'

shaking my head i looked up and my jaw dropped slightly. this place never seized to amaze me. i've only came once for the enrance exams but then i was too nervous to look around.

UA high was a prestigious school. there were only three ways to get in. you were either rich, had a scholarship, or just extremely smart.

i had gotten in on a scholarship.

i was about twenty minutes early and found my way to my class particularly easy. there were only two other students in the room and i sat near the back windows and waited.

after about ten minutes of waiting the classroom was already full.

"oi kiri! come here!" i heard a familiar voice call to me. smiling widely i stood up and walked over.

"mina!" mina hugged me tightly and i hugged back. "i haven't seen you all summer. i'm glad we got into the same class!" i smiled at her happily.

"i like what you did to your hair it really suits you." she hummed as she started messing with my hair.

i chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my neck.

"thanks mina."

"DAMNED DEKU! HOW'D A BROKE LOSER LIKE YOU GET IN HERE!?" a loud voice boomed causing the whole class to look towards the door.

"you shouldn't yell in the classroom!" a tall blue haired boy with glasses said in a loud but calm voice.

"k-kacchan!" a green haired boy squeaked out slightly shaking in his seat.

i glanced around the room and sighed. this should be an interesting year.

"settle down. it's the first day and i would rather be asleep so today you're all going to introduce yourselves." a man, who i'm assuming is our teacher, in a sleeping bag said as everyone took a seat.

"i don't care what order you do it in just get it done." and with that said he slowly plopped onto the floor and turned towards the wall.

i decided to stand up first and get it over with.

"my names eijiro kirishima! feel free to call me kiri." i smiled a small smile and slowly sat down.

silently thanking the gods that it was over i started to think.

what if i don't meet them today? what if they don't like me? what if they-

my thoughts were cut short when a bell rang throughout the school signaling lunch.

"kiri! do you wanna eat lunch with me, kaminari and sero?" mina asked as she pointed to the two boys behind her.

i smiled and gave a quick nod.

as we walked to the cafeteria i caught a look at my exposed wrist. my eyes widened and my blood ran cold.


my wrist was bare and there was nothing.

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