mentions of homophobia
trigger warning

sighing i made my way down the street.

why i made this decision? i don't even know myself.

it was stupid of me i'll say that, but maybe i had some false hope.

false hope that maybe, just maybe, things would work out.

but life doesn't work that way. or does it?

i groaned and hit myself in the head with the cookies i had bought.

"come on eji! why are you so nervous? it's not like you're doing anything bad just grabbing things from home." my eyes widened in realization of what i was doing.

i started off down the alleys towards where i knew he would be.

"hey!" i yelled as i spotted him sitting on the park bench.

the blonde turned towards me and raised a brow.

"i didn't expect you to actually come." he chuckled.

"well here i am. i bought you some cookies." i smiled and handed them to him.

"thanks." he chuckled and took the box from my hand.


"thanks for helping me today taki. i know we didn't get off on the right foot in middle school." i smiled brightly as i opened the door to my house.

"yeah no prob man." he gave me a nod and we walked inside. i greeted my mom and introduced her to taki.

"me and taki are gonna go to my room and grab a few things for class." she nodded and we turned to walk upstairs.

"i'll help." she set aside what she was doing and followed behind us.

when we got inside me room i started gathering a few of my things together and taki sat on my bed.

"so kiri have you found your soulmate?" he looked at me curiously.

"uh yeah, yeah i did but i haven't met them." i concentrated on grabbing things as i felt my mother's gaze on me.

"oh? them?" i quickly looked at his smirking face.

"what are you-"

"wait didn't you used to like eugeo?" his smirk grew and my eyes were wide.

"what- what are you talking ab-"

"eijiro! what is he saying?!" my mother screamed as she glared at me.

she was fuming and taki practically was smirking ear to ear.

"yeah didn't you two go out until he found his soulmate?"

"shut up.." i looked down glaring at the floor.

"but it's true isn't it? gosh you two dated for like two years-" he was cut off by a smack.

i looked at my furious mother my cheek stinging from impact.

she turned to taki.

"get out of my house."

taki smirked and stood up and waltzed our of the house.

"m- mom." i gulped.

to add onto not believing in soulmates my parents were both strict homophobes.

"first with this soulmate nonsense? and now you're a fucking fag? this is just horrendous eijiro! you are disgusting! i never should have birthed you!" my mom screeched.

"how could you let me down like this!?"

i looked down to the floor tears escaping my eyes slowly. my body began to tremble and i clenched my fists.

"it's not my fault! i didn't choose to be gay! i don't choose these things mom it's just how i am!" i yelled the tears flowing like a stream.

the familiar stinging came.

"don't you dare call me your mother! never again not until you fix this nonsense!" she glared daggers at me.

"pack your shit." and with that she turned on her heel and walked out of my room.

i breathed in deep breaths and slowly started packing my belongings.

from down the hall i could hear my mom on the phone.

"come home this instant! i need you to knock some sense into that damned son of yours. he's a fag steve."

more silent tears rolled down my cheeks and by the time i had finished packing i heard the front door slam open.

"where the hell is he!?" i heard my dads deep voice echo throughout the house.

"in his room." my moms voice was muffled through the walls but still able to be heard.

my breath hitched as the footsteps came closer and closer. each step had a big thump after it.

"you selfish bastard! you dare talk of being a fag in this household?" my father grabbed my shirt by the collar and raised a balled fist.

"i oughta beat your ass straight. do you not know what this could do to the company!?" he threw a hard punch. "you WILL marry the GIRL we told you to marry and you WILL never speak of soulmates again!" another punch. "do you understand me?"

he scowled and his face was red from anger. i slowly nodded my head.

"speak when i talk to you boy." he growled.

"y-yes." i nodded and looked down.

he let go of my shirt and i fell to my knees.

"good. now get out." he walked away not even looking back.

i scrambled to grab my stuff and quickly ran out of the door tears rolling faster and faster.

'they disowned me. i'm not even a person to them anymore.'

i ran to the school dorms and ran to the room i shared with bakugou.


thank you all for the patience

i found a new way to write these so expect more to come.

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