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maybe it was my foolishness that made things play out this way ,, or maybe it was the false sense of security i felt .

i hate that i can't feel this way without it but with it i'm held back ,, chained and bound by my own thoughts that continue to weigh me down .

it's been a few days since the incident ,, but it's felt like months .

bakugou came to visit me three times and my mom and dad came when they heard the news but i wasn't awake to see them .

i sighed and shut my eyes as the beeping of the heart monitor filled my ears .

suddenly i heard the door slide open and i turned my head to find my mom standing in the doorway .

she stared at me with no emotion on her face and i turned away .

even though she did what she did i couldn't help but feel ashamed .

"Eijiro . i have never been more disappointed in my life . " she crossed her arms and made her way towards the chair beside my bed .

"if you're here to scold me you can leave ." i shot her a look and she scrawled .

"that's no way to treat your mother ,, i thought i raised you better than this but i see now that i was wrong ."

"no i was ."

her scrawl was replaced by a look of confusion and before she could ask i cut her off .

"i tried so hard to believe that you were the perfect mother . i wanted to believe that you could change . what kind of a mother leaves her son all alone because they're gay ? i knew all along that you were the one who was wrong but i still tried . do you know how many times you've left me when i was down ? "


"get out . i don't want to see you ever again . i don't want to speak to you . i'm not your dog who's here for you to pamper and show off ,, i'm your son . "

after a few moments of silence she stood from the chair and walked towards the door .

before she opened it she paused and looked at me .

in a barley audible whisper she muttered a "get well soon" and left .

i let out a long sigh and slowly tried to stand up . as my feet touched the cold floor i put all my weight on them and came tumbling down .

i groaned and felt my body being levitated and i was sat back into my bed .

"you just don't stay out of trouble do you ?"

i quickly looked and saw that my knight in shining armor was indeed bakugou .

"oh heyyyy." i smiled an awkward smile and he shook his head smiling .

he sat on the bedside and we talked for hours on end .

when it seemed like we were running out of topics i decided to ask him what had happened .

"um katsuki can i ask you something ?"

"you just did ."

"besides that ." i facepalmed and he hummed in response .

"why am i even in the hospital ? no ones told me yet and the last thing i remember was being with the guys ?"

his face changed into a serious one and he sighed .

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