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"so many things I would like to understand,

I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down.

a former portrait of perfection,

I am a shadow where there once was light.

Is this post-traumatic stressing or am I suppressing rage?

I'm so sick and tired of wondering. 

I'm always wondering if he's okay, 

but I can't bring myself to go and check. 

Every wall he knocked over was just a wall I rebuilt and it makes me wonder,

will I ever change?"

The lump forming in my throat forced me to stop. I looked away from her Chesnut eyes and she nodded her head. 

"You can always change. Even if bad things happened in your past that does not define you. You can become the very person you long to be." 

Her tone was always warm and I simply nodded my head in response.

"That's all the time we have for today and I'm so glad you decided to come in today."

I quickly grabbed my stuff and opened the door but was stopped.

"Oh and bakugou?"


"How about joining a patient and me on Thursday? I feel both of your situations could help each other heal."

I gave her a nod before walking out not yet prepared for what would happen.

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