Chapter 15: Exposed

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'H-hi,' Jungkook breathed. Then he realised he was the reason she'd fallen over. 'I-I mean, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you, I wasn't looking at where I was going because I was texting my-' Lisa gaped at him, not understanding his rambling speech. Recognising her confused features, Jungkook stopped midway, sheepishly.

'It's okay,' she mumbled, beginning to walk away. She'd been looking for him all over the place and now that he was here, she could barely make eye contact. She noticed her migraines had temporarily departed. She took a step before Jungkook spoke up again.

'W-wait,' he finally let out. He just couldn't let her leave. There'd been so many chances to talk to her, strung like bait and it was always kicked too far out of his reach everytime his friends appeared and ushered him elsewhere. It was as if the universe was simply teasing him. 'What are you doing here?'

He cringed inwardly. So many damn questions and tHat was the one he decided to ask.

'I'm finding my friends,' she said with a small voice that Jungkook could hardly make out. '..going to the cafeteria.'

Suddenly, the cafeteria was the perfect place to start looking for his friends.

'Ah, that's where I was heading.' He didn't know where he was going with but it was too late to back out now. 'Do you mind me walking with you? I-I mean, we don't have to, if you don't feel comfortable-'

'Yeah, yeah, sure,' Lisa smiled. It was like she was the only person that existed in the world. She was the cure to his pain; everytime he saw
her, the pounding seemed to get both 1000 times worse and healed all at the same time. He was completely disoriented but he was standing on his feet, the ones that always seemed to find their own way to her. They were two people on two different ends of a string of fate, destined to find each other.

The walk to the cafeteria was both the shortest and longest journey. They didn't talk and he was completely content with that. He always seemed to say the stupidest things everytime he opened his mouth. It was better not to scare her off and just shut up.

Lisa wasn't faring any better. Her eyes remained on the floor, or the shops or the people - basically anywhere but the man beside her.

The cafeteria was packed to the brim with people. Lisa didn't know how she would be able to find a seat. Stepping inside the chaos, she was hit with an array of scents, from desserts to savouries, from crepes to curry. She began pushing through the crowd, eyes peeled for an empty chair.

Spotting a half empty table,  Lisa grinned with accomplishment, hurriedly making her way to it. She sat down, putting her bag on the table, then the chair behind her scraped back and someone sat down.

Crap, she forget hE was there.

'Do you mind if I sit with you?' Jungkook asked, chewing his lip nervously. 'I'm waiting for my friends.' Lisa nodded.

'I am, too.'

So they sat together. It was quiet with a tinge of awkward. Lisa didn't know what to do with herself. When she finally turned to him, he was frozen in his seat, eyes glued to something behind her.

'J-Jungkook?' She began to turn back.

'I know where our friends are.'

Lisa spun around in her seat. There, several tables away, behind an impenetrable wall of people queueing up for food, she glimpsed an assembled crowd. She spotted the familiar head of Chaeyoung, letting out a gasp.

'Is that..?' Lisa saw her rapidly firing words at the rest of the group: her other friends and some boys that she'd seen around school.

'Those are your friends... talking to mine.'

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