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once lunch rolled around, matt felt his body fill with nerves, he was anxious that ian's friend group wouldn't like him. matt grabbed his backpack and made his way to the lunch hall. he felt out of place but soon met eyes with ian's. matt walked over as ian waved him down, huge grin on his face. matt kept his head down as he walked, any sense of confidence leaving his body as he saw 3 tables pushed together for the large group.

all eyes turned to matt as he stood before them, face flushed and playing with his sci-fi fantasy hoodie strings.

"hey y'all! this is matt!"

ian stood up and walked to matt, slinging his arm around him and making his body jolt a bit. matt waved and smiled.

"i-i'm matt..."

ian smiled before introducing his group. all 13 of them.

matt's head was spinning as he tried to mentally recall all of their names, failing. ian told matt not to worry since he only really hangs out with 4 of the males daily, the rest were more of acquaintances. 

matt sat next to ian, setting his backpack on an empty chair on the other side of him. matt grabbed out his phone, humming.

matt was so invested in his phone that he didn't notice someone asking if they could sit where his backpack was, face flushed matt grabbed his bag and set it on his lap. matt took note of the male. he was tall, blonde, and pale. his eyes were a very deep blue, almost like an ocean. matt would've been lying to himself if he didn't declare the male attractive.

"matt! i almost forgot! this is joba!"

ian grinned at matt. matt waved at joba, blushing as he smiled at matt.

joba sat next to matt and began to engage in conversation with the boys at their tables. matt felt so calm and open with joba that the two talked all lunch, which led to ian's suspicions.

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