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matt sat on the grass and leaned against the wall of the apartment building, a lit cigarette in his shaky hand. he felt like he couldn't do anything right without his past catching up to him somehow. he felt like he was losing his mind every second.

joba jogged down the hall, thinking of what to even say to matt in this situation. he ran after matt before he even realized that he was doing, just wanting to make sure the boy was okay. joba saw matt and walked over to him, sitting next to him, catching his breath.

"hey matt"

matt just smiled softly, feeling embarrassed and scared to tell joba how he was feeling. he was starting to fall back into his old not talking habits and he hated it. matt just ran his fingers through his hair and took a drag from his cigarette, tears in his eyes. he couldn't shake the feeling that nothing was real to him, he was unsure of everyone around him, especially joba.

"matt, please come back inside. the only way you're ever going to move on from jade is if you face her head on. you'll be okay, i promise. i'll be there for you."

joba places his hand on matts knee and squeezed reassuringly. matt kept silent before standing up, putting out his cigarette, and wiping his eyes with his sweater sleeve. joba's words felt sincere to him and he felt a little better than before. matt helped joba to his feet then hugged him tightly, hands around his waist and tears pouring out of him.

joba just rubbed his back and pushed his hair back, humming.

"thank you, joba"
"you're welcome, matt"

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