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joba's hand ached as he inched it closer to matt's, deciding not to take it into his own. the sun began to rise as the two boys finished their cigarettes, sighing. matt leaned his head against joba's shoulder, humming.

"hey, joba..."
"yes, matt?"
"what's your favorite time of day?"

joba grinned as the short male's eyes stayed locked against the sunrise before them. his once hazel eyes were drowned in the different hues of pinks, yellows, oranges, and soft blues. he was too entranced by the colors, clouds, and sun to notice that his body was now completely wrapped up against joba's.

"that's such a weird question..."

joba thought for a moment, honestly curious.

"...i really love the night. it's when all of the lights come to life and i feel like i can do absolutely anything i want to, need to, feel like. i love the way the moon shines on the streets and the beautiful colors of the sky mixing with one another, creating dark hues."

matt watched as joba talked about the night. the excitement that filled joba's eyes was captivating to matt. he was desperately in love with joba and had no idea what to do about it.

"what's your favorite time of day, matty?"

matt hummed.

"any time i get to spend with you, joba."

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