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joba smiled at the short male, worries and stresses melting away. in that moment, joba felt like everything was finally going the way he wanted, he had everything he needed right in front of him. matt.

the moment was ruined once ian walked outside, giggling with jaden. the two males stopped giggling and looked at the other pair, smirk filling ian's face, confusion filling jaden's. ian held jaden's hand as he smiled at the two boys.

"hey you two!"

joba rolled his eyes as he grabbed another cigarette, sighing.

"hello ian! hello jaden!"

matt grinned as he pulled joba's jacket against his body, smiling, happy to see his other two friends. ian smiled wider and grabbed matt's hand in his own, pulling him inside the apartment and to the kitchen. matt's eyebrows furrowed as the dark boy sat down at the dinning table, ignoring the other 3 males as they wandered around romil's apartment drowsily.

"so, matty, what's up with you and joba?"

matt blushed, looking at his hands. he liked joba, of course, but, he was scared of starting a relationship and being let down again. he didn't want a repeat like jade. that was too messy.

"ian, i'm gonna be honest here-"

ian looked at matt, already grasping what he was going to say.

"matt, he's not like jade...."

there was a pause between ian's words, he was thinking of how to word this without sounding weird.

"i've never seen joba so soft before. he's usually a really tough dude, but here you are wearing his jacket, staring at him lovingly, cuddling him, you're somehow opening joba up. it was worrying at first, but i think this good for the both of you. don't let jade ruin love for you, matt. prove her wrong and show the world that matt champion isn't done with love. please give joba a chance, please."

matt was speechless. he has no idea that he had that much of an affect on the tall blonde. matt was going to respond when he heard the back door open and laughter. a smile landed on his face as joba and jaden made their way into the kitchen, grins on their faces.

matt stared at the blonde, smiling to himself and ian as he pulled the jacket closer to him.

maybe it was time for matt to give love another chance.

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