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joba woke up to a heavy feeling against his right side. he rolled over a bit and saw matt laying on his chest, dark hair a fluffy mess, arms around joba's waist lazily. joba yawned and grabbed his phone, checking the time. 2:30 a.m. on a saturday, nice.

joba glanced around the room, noting that everyone was asleep on the floor and couches. joba shook his head, wondering how long he had been asleep. he paused his thoughts as he matt stirred in his sleep, gripping joba's waist a bit tighter. joba rubbed his hand against matt's back instinctively.

joba began to feel antsy, stuck under a blanket and not being able to move like everyone else was. he began to sit up, slowly sliding matt off of him. he needed to smoke, to relax a bit. matt laid on the couch, unaware of joba's departure. joba grabbed his jacket off of the floor and pulled out his lighter and cigarettes, deciding not to wear the jacket.

he opened the back door and walked out onto the balcony, the cool LA hair hitting him instantly. he put the cigarette between his lips and inhaled, smoking filling his lungs as thoughts of matt filled his mind. he sighed, confused as to why he was so comfortable around this kid. he stared at the stars, humming softly.

matt grew hot under the blankets on top of him. he registered the empty space next to him, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. he stood up, grabbed joba's jacket, and made his way to the back balcony, ciagarette in hand, opening the door and seeing joba's silhouette leaning against the dark sky. his hair was disheveled and there was smoke leaving his lips. matt blushed as joba turned to him.


matt walked out into the cool LA air, closing the door behind him. he shivered and pulled joba's jacket against his small body as he lit his cigarette, sighing.

"is that my jacket?"

matt blushed, he didn't even think when he pulled it on, he felt safer in it.

"yeah. i must have thought it was mine. here, sorry..."

matt began to take it off. joba shook his head and insisted that he can keep it on. matt just smiled and leaned against the railing, thinking about the beautiful stars and boy next to him are.

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