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(Please listen as you read, and replay if it ends. Thought it would suit this chapter 😅)

(Y/N)'s POV

I was playing in the woods, laughing happily and smiling joyfully. Today is my 5th birthday and my older sisters Lucie and Valerie were in town with mama. Though Gran is supposed to be watching me, she fell asleep (bad granny 😂) so I took the opportunity to play in the woods. I love the woods, I always have. Mama said I was conceived, whatever that means, and born in them as well. Ever since I could walk mama and papa always see me going off into the woods. Mama frets about it and papa says he will always keep an eye on me. (Mm-hmm, and eye on 😏) I don't know how though. I hear a twig snap and turn around, only to fall over and scream. There in front of me is a huge black wolf and I was brought to tears in fear the beast would eat me.

"Do not fret, child." A voice says and I look at the wolf. "I am not going to hurt you, I just needed to be sure."

"S- sure of what?" I ask shakily.

"Make sure you are mine." It says as it lunged and bit into my arm, making me scream in pain!

It than ran off (RUNNING RUNNING RUNNING) and blood was running down my arm. I fell to my side, tears running down my face as I sob and curl up into a ball. He said he wouldn't hurt me... But he did.... I don't know how long I was laying there for but soon I hear someone calling my name. It sounds like papa! I cried loudly for him, and soon enough, I feel him picking me up in his big, strong arms.

(She gonna be loving daddy soon 😂)

(Most dad's are like big protective dad bears to their kids. I was a bean in my dad's arms 😂😂 and he was giant like a bear)

"P- papa!" I cry, clinging to him.

"It's okay. Let's get you home, mother is worried out of her mind." He says

(Grandmother is Cesaire's mother, sooo grandma! ^•^)

I just cling to his shirt and sob into his chest as he carries me home. Soon, we are home and Gran hugs me close. Papa says he is going to to see if he can 'Find that bastard thing'. (SWEAR JAR, MISTER) I look at her and she asked me what happened, though I left out the part where the wolf attacked me. I tell her and she kisses my head.

(We don't tell her the wolf attacked us and she don't notice our bleeding arm? 😅😂)

"The wolf has haunted this village for generations. You were the lucky one. You have to remember (Y/N): Beware the Legend, Beware the Wolf... Promise me to remember that." She says.

I nod my head and look at her on how much the legend is true, and yet how much of the full legend is missing... Like how the wolf can talk? Or send messages to your mind? I don't know.... But it is a scary thought and I'm not sure if I'm ready to face what may lay in the woods....

Timeskip brought to you by your author who is eating tacos

As the years went by, I slowly lost my love for the woods. I started to help around the house and take care on what needed to be done. My father said I would make a good wife someday... But I do not want to marry. I do not need a husband and I sigh as it was my turn to go to Gran's house (at least you get to see yo grandma and spend time and enjoy story telling 😊) as she is sick and lives in the woods. I get dressed and walk out of the house, but... everytime I'm in the woods, I feel like I'm being watched... and I was right.... I always saw the wolf in the distance, watching me... (I always feel like... SOMEBODY'S WATCHING MEEEE) and today is the same as any other day.

??? POV

I watched her with hungry eyes, but not in the normal sense of hunger~ the hunger in want and desire~ I have loved her for so long, but I will wait for her..... But I will have her, no matter what.... Even if I have to kill all her family.... She... Will... Be.... MINE~

(752 words! Holy hell! 😂😖)

Beware the Legend, Beware the Wolf: Various Yandere Red Riding Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now