The Hunt

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(WOOOOO!! I'm 19!! Happy bday to me! 🍰🍰🍰🎂🎂🎂 even tho it was just yesterday!)

(Y/N)'s POV

Me and my only sister Valerie were mourning Lucie as I was still horrified on what my wolf had done... Why...? Why would he kill Lucie...? I gently stroked her cold face and went up to my mother just to have a little bit of space as the door opened, showing Henry and his father, my future father-in-law. I wanted to go to him, to be comforted in his arms, but mostly, I just wanted to be alone....

Henry POV

Me and my father came to pay our respects, but mostly I wanted to check on my sweet (Y/N), make sure she was alright. But she wasn't. Her sister died right. I didn't like Lucie, she always followed me around like a puppy. A lovesick puppy that it. I was actually happy she was gone, which means I could have (Y/N) to myself, but Cesaire was in the way. He was way too overprotective of her for a drunk man.

"Cesaire," I called to him as he looked at me with anger but didn't want to do anything in front of his family. "We're going to the pub. Let the women grieve in their own way."

(Y/N) give me a thankful sad smile and I smiled back as we left off to the pub. Father Auguste was wanting to wait for Father Solomon who was coming in 2 days, and I couldn't help but agree with him.

"No. He will rob us of our vengeance." Cesaire spoke up, drinking from his mug. Only a bit of me agreed with him, Lucie was his daughter after all.

"Maybe Father Auguste is right. Maybe we should wait." I spoke up, and everyone went silent and looked at me.

"Maybe, my son... You should find your courage." My father placed his hand on my shoulder. "Wouldn't want to be a coward of a husband to (Y/N), would you?"

I heard a growl and knew it was Cesaire, but I didn't care as I let father's words sink in. He was right... (Y/N) would find me a coward for backing out then avenging her sister. "Alright," I took a mug. "Let's hunt it."

"Let's kill it!" Peter said and everyone cheered as we all got ready to hunt the beast down and kill it.


"No, my Lucie never thought of boys." Mother said at the mention of Lucie sneaking out on a wolf night to meet a boy.

"She certainly was taken in with my grandson. Used to come by and follow him like a puppy." I could faintly remember Lucie always visiting Henry...

"Maybe when she found out (Y/N) was to marry Henry, she chose to kill herself." Roxanne spoke up.

"How romantic..." Rose said. What was wrong with her?!

"She never even told us...." I spoke up, Valerie was also upset about it too.

"Don't worry, dear. Henry always had his eye on you. YOUR the pretty one." Mrs's Lezaire said, stroking my cheek.

(Uhhh, personal space there, woman! No touchy! Your TOOOOOTALLY not creeping us out just by touching us)

"What's going on?" Prudence asked as we all went to the door and saw some of the men getting ready to hunt my wolf. My heart aches, but... he killed Lucie... Why didn't I want him to die too?! I got out and saw Henry and grabbed him and hugged him, trying not to cry. What if I lose him too.....?

"You can't go...."

Henry POV

My heart ached at (Y/N)'s broken voice, but I gently pried her arms away.

"Hey, hey... It's going to be alright." He wiped her tears and reached into my pocket and brought out a bracelet and gave it to her.

"I was going to save it for our wedding

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"I was going to save it for our wedding. Just in case I don't-" she kissed me on the lips before hugging me again.

"You ARE going to come back.. You hear me?" I never heard her speak with such... love and power. It made my pants tighten a little but I nodded.

"I promise I'll come back." We then left, unaware what would soon happen...

(711 words! Holy crap!)

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