Ending A: Normal Ending

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(A'ight I am back. Deepest apologies, I hope your having what fun you can under this stupid ass quarantine. Here's the normal ending. Just 2 more chapters left and this story will be completed!)

They fought and wrestled over the hatchet as I stood there watching them. I didn't know what to do!! Looking around, I had to use something, ANYTHING!

(Let's be real, those 2 dudes fought over that hatchet like siblings for the remote 😂)

Papa gained the upper hand, tossing Henry to a table making it break on impact as I scream in terror. My eyes cast to my basket making me release a shaky breath...

Papa began creeping towards Henry like he was prey. Pulling the hood of my lilac cloak upon my head and grabbing the basket and holding it close to my chest, I hoped this would work, PLEASE WORK! "Papa!" I yelled for him, making him turn his attention to me. I could see the lust and curiosity in his eyes. "I- I have something for you..." I stuttered, biting my lip.

(No, it ain't banana bread and wine, ya old man. You got your little flask, drink from that)

(Gurl don't bite your lip like that or he'll have you do something to him 😂😂😁)

(Even though I'm writing you like this, EPICNESSQUEEN21 does a better job with this stuff then me, sorry 🙈🙈)

He more towards me, gaze still on the basket as my breathing hitched and my heart kept pounding in my chest. Suddenly, Henry slammed the hatchet in the back of Papa's back as I remove the cover on the basket, showing Father Solomon's hand that was bitten off the night before. With tears blurring my vision, I take the hand out and jam it in Papa's chest, his eyes and face forever had that look of betrayal and heartbreak staring deeply into my eyes, burning it deep into my mind forever until the day I die.

(Yeh, I'm gonna make sure you remember dis face on your deathbed 😂😂)

(Gonna make you regret you betrayed me 😂)

He then collapsed dead on the floor as I step back leaning against the wall to stabilize myself as I breathe heavily yet shakily. I killed him...! My own father!

The rest was a blur until I realized we had cut him open and filled his body with rocks before pushing it into the lake.

(Henry's all like "A'ight since we killed your old man, we gotta hide the evidence we did it. By dumping dis body in the lake" 😂)

"(Y/N), there's something I must show you." Henry began once we reached back to shore. (Dis dick) (jk, jk) removing the collar of his shirt, it showed a bite mark "Cesaire bit me when we fought. I... Need to leave for a bit, until I control this."

I only smiled and leaned up and kissed him. "It's okay, Henry.... I'll be waiting for you." That was nearly a year ago. We had a baby boy which I named after papa. Even though he was a monster, he was still my father. Peter and Valerie were doing well in the village last I heard, they had a baby girl while I stayed at grandmother's cottage. Holding my son in one arm and harvesting some vegetables with the other as I smile.

"(Y/N)~" I heard a deep raspy voice call to me. Turning around I see a black wolf but I wasn't scared as I smile, knowing who it was....

Henry had come home....

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