The Wolf is.... You....?

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(I am so sorry for the delay. Never had a chance to get back to this story due to high school, making other stories, and I'm just lazy in total 😂 but I'm back)

The next day after Father Solomon got killed by his other guard by killing his brother, things have been going even more crazy! I didn't know what to think anymore.... Who to trust.... Mother got scratched really bad by the wolf, Peter and Valerie are missing and I haven't seen Henry last night either.....

I got dressed, (picture above) and first went to the church as the snow crunched under my feet. Then I got up and began to make my way to grandmother's house. I almost made it there when I suddenly saw Henry there.

"(Y/N)!" He called out, marching towards me making me smile. But the smile faded when I saw his right hand... It was bandaged..... Henry.... Why....?

He looked at his hand then back at me, raising them up and stepping towards me. "(Y/N).... I know what this looks like... But you have to believe me, alright?" How.... How can he expect me to believe him when he killed Lucie, hurt my mother and killed all the others in Daggerhorn!!

(Hell, I'd lose trust in you too for having a bandaged right hand and not seeing you for the rest of the night 😑😂)

I step back, gripping the basket in my hands tighter as I fidget around for the knife....

"S-Stay back! I'm warning you, Henry!" I step back more. Suddenly, he lurched forward and grabbed my wrist. I screamed and take out the knife and stab it into him.

Taking that moment, I turn and run the rest of the way, lilac cloak fluttering behind me as I ignored Henry's screams for me to come back, to let him explain as I continue my way to grandmother's house

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Taking that moment, I turn and run the rest of the way, lilac cloak fluttering behind me as I ignored Henry's screams for me to come back, to let him explain as I continue my way to grandmother's house....


I finally made it! Chest heaving, I walk up the steps and enter inside, pulling the hood of my cloak down, the warmth of the fire bringing comfort to me, even if it's just a little bit....

"Grandmother?" I walk in, setting the basket down. I got concerned when I didn't hear her voice. "Grandmother? Where are you?" I called out again. I gasp when I saw something being lit behind the drapes.

"It's alright. There's some soup in the cauldron." She spoke. I was famished. Soup could hopefully clear my mind of Henry, the man I loved.... "Remember; All Sorrow's are less taken-"

"With Bread." I finish, pouring some soup in a bowl and sit down.

"Don't worry. We're safe here."

Taking a spoonful of the soup, I grimaced at the taste as I stare at it. It was oddly thick, red and chunky. I couldn't describe it, but grandma wouldn't make her soup like this..... "What is this?" I ask her. Suddenly she stood up and pulled off the veil and stepped out showing... Papa?!! "Papa, what are you doing here...? Where's grandmother?"

Beware the Legend, Beware the Wolf: Various Yandere Red Riding Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now