Celebrations and the Wolf

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I wore a simple black dress as I walked around the festival. Horns blaring, people drinking and eating, playing the tale of the Three Little Pigs, or dressing as the wolf. I thought I would feel easy, but I can't help but feel uneasy. I was looking for Henry but couldn't find him, but I found Papa being passed out drunk in the snow while a man was picking on him so I whacked him with a piece of wood and gently woke up papa.

"Papa. Papa." He woke up and shakily stood up and looked at the stain on his top.

"I'll just run it off and I'll be fit to see the pope." Oh, papa....

"Papa, just... go home, okay?"

He smiled and caressed my cheek. "Your my little rabbit... I'm so sorry, (Y/N)." He then stumbled home. I wasn't embarrassed or ashamed of him, but felt sad for him. He drank and I can't help but wonder if he doesn't like it here... I gasped when I felt arms wrap around me as I turned and saw it was papa! But he went home?

"Dance with me." He dragged me into the dance and I couldn't help but smile. Maybe this would make him happy.

Cesaire POV

I smiled as we danced, moving our shoulders leaning back and forth. I was happy to be this close to her, but I wonder if she forgot I kissed her...? Why couldn't she see that I loved her?

I picked her up bridal style as she squealed but giggled as I spun around with her in my arms gently. She was so light, light as a feather in my arms. How I wanted to kiss her again, take her somewhere more private and take her, her little body laid against a stack of hay, eyes looking up at me as I enter inside her~

"Henry didn't come today...." She snapped me out of my imagination as I inwardly growl. She's still talking about that boy? He isn't worthy of her!

"He's still mourning his father, baby. He needs time to heal. Give him time." Permanently.


Papa put me town and said he was going home and I understood, but now I was alone. I looked around and saw Valerye dancing with Peter making me smile, glad that she had found someone she loved. I kind of envied her she was normal and more prettier looking than me. With her blonde hair and blue eyes. Mine was black with purple eyes...

I suddenly felt like something was wrong, but what was it? I tuned out everything and looked at building to building and suddenly the wolf burst through one of the houses! The same black fur and giant horse sized body! Everyone panicked and screamed and ran all over the place but I had to get away! I ran off somewhere else, my purple cloak trailing behind me. I panted heavily before screaming when he jumped down in front of me as I press my back against the wall.

"You thought I would leave you, little one? You can't hide from me." He spoke as I stared at him, not knowing what to say. Why...? Why would he choose now to come back?!

Warning! This is a fantasy warning here!

Wolf POV

She stared at me with fear in her purple eyes but I only walked closer and licked her cheeks as she blushed but I didn't stop there~ I than licked her lips as she opened her mouth and let me in, moaning softly as my tongue licked her moist cavern before pulling back and she whined but I only smirked. I than trailed my muzzle down before shuffling my head under her skirt, burying my nose in her panties and inhaling deeply, tail wagging. But I didn't stop there. Using my teeth, I pulled down her panties and inhaled her again before licking it as she moaned in surprise and pleasure. Such sounds for me~ her knees buckled and quaked, but I kept licking before she gave out, collapsing on her knees. She laid on her back and presented herself to me and I was more than happy to continue licking her. She was so sweet~ I than mounted her and thrusted inside as she squeaked in pain but I licked her tears away and let her adjust before proceeding to thrust my hips, releasing growls of pleasure as she only got tighter and tighter~ she wouldn't stop her moaning from getting louder and louder as it only drove me to go harder, my knot desperately wanting to be locked inside her so she would bare me pups. I howled as I locked inside her and filled her with my seed, which will cause her to bare me pups~

Fantasy over

But sadly my fantasy came to an end as she found her voice.

"Why did you come back, murderer?!"

"Your a killer too, (Y/N). What happened~? What happened to the rabbits and chickens you'd bring to me, (Y/N)~?"

"I.... I killed them...." She couldn't hide her shame~ it's so arousing~

I shifted my eyes to be more human as she gasped.

"Brown eyes.... Human eyes!"

"I know what you want, (Y/N)~ you want to leave the village~" She looks into my eyes as I showed her us walking along the snow covered ground, her purple cloak trailing and flowing behind her.

"Father Solomon will stop you."

"He can try. But he will fall." I than turned and ran off as the sun came up.

She will be mine!!

(I'm so sorry for not updating. It's my school and summer draws closer and I'll be down at my dad's for the summer for my final summer student job. And he doesn't have Internet, so I will not be able to update my stories for 2 months/8 weeks unless I find a way. I'm sorry, hope you liked this)

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