Ending C: Going with Papa

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(Here we go, the final chapter 🙂)

"Papa, please!" I threw myself over Henry's form, keeping my eyes on Papa's who's eyes had their wolfish glow. I nearly wanted to get lost in them forever, but.... I have to protect Henry, my fiancé from being slaughtered like the rest of Daggerhorn. I wasn't going to let the man I call 'father' shed anymore blood! "I- I'll go with you..... Just.... No more.... Please...!" I looked up at him pleadingly as he gave some thought.

"No.... (Y/N)...!" Henry grabbed my arm as I fought back tears. This would be the last time I'd ever see him or anyone again. I looked down at him and pressed my lips against his one last time before getting up and walking to the door with Papa. "Cesaire! Fight me like a man, you coward!" I winced as Henry got up a bit weakly, grabbing his hatchet and getting ready to through it. Papa merely chuckled, as if he found this very amusing.

"I'm more beast then man, Henry. Your not worthy of my daughter if you can't hold your own." Papa chuckled once more, wrapping his arm around me and leading me out the door. Tears spilled out of my eyes as I looked at Henry one last time and mouthed 'goodbye' to him before I was led out into the night........


3rd POV

(If you watched the deleted scenes, in one of them, it shows Cesaire and Valerye dressed a little fancy and introduced to other fancy looking guys. It shows what would've happened if Valeyre took his offer of the bite and to leave to the city)

A finely dressed Cesaire and (Y/N) walked towards some finely dressed men. (Y/N) wore the wedding dress that belonged to her grandmother and had her hair done as she held an infant in her arms.

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The baby girl had Cesaire's hair but had (Y/N)'s indigo eyes

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The baby girl had Cesaire's hair but had (Y/N)'s indigo eyes. She was wrapped in a small bundle blanket as she cooed and looked around, little eyes full of curiousity.

"Lord Merilin, Bansho. My wife, (Y/N) and our daughter." Cesaire introduced 2 men to (Y/N) and their daughter as she smiled a bit while their daughter merely cooed, looking elsewhere.

"Quite young, isn't she?" One of them asked, staring (Y/N) up and down as she played with her daughter.

"Maybe I just got lucky." Cesaire smiled, nearly grinning as he wanted to rip his throat out then and there. But he relented and walked off with his daughter/wife and daughter/granddaughter.

"Papa, don't be like that." (Y/N) sat down on a bench, holding their daughter as she laid her head on her bosom before quickly dozing off.

"Can't help it, baby. I don't want them touching what's mine~" he grinned eyes flashing to his wolf eyes before changing back to normal as he leaned close and pressed his lips against hers as she kissed back, moaning softly against his lips.

(And that's the end of this book! If you want a lemon between both, lemme know! If not then that's okay 😊)

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