The Start

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(What your wearing)

(Y/N)'s POV

I smile as I walk through the woods, the men were off hunting and I am making sure that everything is okay in the woods. My smile grew bigger as I see Henry, my betrothed. I walk up and look at him, but then I see his is not looking happy. I frowned and ran up to him.

"You okay?" I ask. What kind of question is that, of course he's not okay!

"No, it's that damned wolf! It's eating all the food." He says.

I frown at that... No matter how much I fed the wolf, he was just never satisfied. Henry took my hand and led me back home.

Henry's POV

I love the feeling of (Y/N)'s hand in mine. I loved her since we were young. It took me everything to get betrothed to her, but her father didn't know. Tonight, we are telling him. I didn't care what he said and neither did she. We both planned if he refused, we will run and go to the city. I smile at her as we stopped at her home.

"You ready for this?" I ask.

"It's now or never." She replies, smiling as we walk in hand and hand.

Cesaire's POV

I looked up and nearly dropped my mug. This bastard boy! He is holding MY (Y/N)'s hand! Who does he think he is, touching my sweets hand, he is unworthy! I growl.

"Sir, I would like to ask for (Y/N)'s hand in marriage." NO!

"Get out!" I snarl.

"Papa!" (Y/N) says.

I stand up and pull her from him. "You will NEVER marry my daughter and you will stay away from her!" I snap, shoving him out, slamming and locking the door.

"Papa, what is wrong with you?!" She demands.

"You are to stay away from that boy!"

"You cannot tell me what to do! I'm a grown woman!"

"That is true, but you are MINE!"

"Papa, what-?"

I grabbed her and kissed her hair.

(Oh mah lord O////O)

She let out a muffled scream and knees me in the balls, I cry out and fall on my knees as she unlocks the door and runs out of the house and I growl. I WILL make her mine!

Timeskip brought you byyyyyy that escalated quickly

(Y/N)'s POV

I ran into the woods, as I needed to see the wolf, I just need to! I look for him and can't find him making me frown. It starts to snow heavily with fog rolling in, and I decide to go back home and decided to sneak in. I wound up in the fields of stacked hay and that's when I saw it... My wolf, my friend.... he was tearing open my older sister Lucie's body! I scream and the wolf looks at me, as I was too scared to move, standing there in fear and shock. He walks up to me and looks into my eyes. I cry and stare into his eyes as he licked my cheek, trying to soothe me but I collapse and pass out...

Beware the Legend, Beware the Wolf: Various Yandere Red Riding Hood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now