Ending B: Sad Ending

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(This story will have dark themes. Such as death, depression and suicide. If this makes you deeply uncomfortable or if you may have had this experience, I deeply apologize. You may leave if you wish or skip to the next and final chapter when it's up then this book is officially finished 😊)

(Also, what am I doing to earn more followers? •_• Mostly I just make stories out of boredom. Are every new story I post that interesting or something?)

(Update: I've put some stories on hold until I can find the will to update them. Please don't say "I believe in you, don't give up" because that won't really motivate me to hop back on them, but it might work if you wanna say it. Deeply sorry if this offends you. I'm not completely abandoning them, just putting them on old until I can will myself to begin typing chapters once more on those who are on hold. It may take awhile for me to find the will, but trust me I sure as hell will damn try to will myself 😊)

"Papa!" I screamed before he could do anything to Henry. I blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill from my eyes. "I have something for you...." I managed to choke out, gripping the basket so tightly. He stalked towards me, eyes gleaming with a strong curiosity then any other child or friend I've known. With each step he got closer and closer as my breathing hitched when he got even more closer

(So baby, pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover! 😂)

Henry stuck the hatchet in papa's back to which I took out Father Solomon's hand with his silver fingernails and shove it as deep as it would go in Papa's chest, as tears welled up in my eyes

(Not the kind of fisting Cesaire was hoping for, so this is all he'll be getting 😂)

Tears spilled down my face as I sobbed, Papa's eyes filled with betrayal before he collapsed dead. I collapsed on my knees trying to wipe the tears but to no avail. That face.... Papa's face, his eyes.... They'll stay with me till the end of my life.... I didn't even care if Henry was holding me close, telling me that it was going to be okay.... It wasn't....


Henry had confessed to me that Papa had bitten him during their scuffle after we had filled his belly with stones and dunked it in the lake's water. Henry left me alone, heartbroken, vowing that once he got the curse under control he would come back to me and we would be together, finally be married.

That was 3 years ago.... He hasn't come back and I wasn't fairing well either! Papa's face, his eyes haunted me... all full of sadness and betrayal, they-they haunted me in my sleep! Everytime I closed my eyes I would see his face. Peter and Valerie never came to visit me, like as if I disgusted them, was a walking plague that threatened their happy life in the village while I stayed here in grandmother's cottage.... I couldn't take it anymore.... Henry didn't come back, my own sister avoids me like as if I'm a monster..... I needed Papa.... I wanted him to hold me again... And he will...

Walking to the frozen lake with an axe, I began hacking away at it. Soon I had a hole big enough to go in. This was it... I would hopefully be with papa again.... Diving into the water it oddly felt nice.... soothing.... yes it was very cold but I honestly didn't feel a thing. Shutting my eyes as I felt myself sinking deeper into the lake. Opening my eyes, I could see the sun shining through the hole of the ice above as I found it so beautiful. Shutting my eyes once more I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, holding me in a loving embrace. I didn't need to open my eyes to see who it was that held me. Even though he wasn't there physically, it felt nice that he was there spiritually....

Wrapping my arms around Papa as we sink deeper into the water, a smile graced my face as I fell into a peaceful sleep....

'In my dreams, we are always together'

I remembered saying that to my family as a child as I feel into a peaceful sleep...

(I deeply apologize if this made you uncomfortable with the sad, dark themes. If this makes you upset and you want me to delete this chapter, just say the word and I will delete it. Again, deepest apologies if this makes you uncomfortable)

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