The Wolf? The Love?

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I'm still young, and am now learning more and more about the Wolf. Though I tried to ignore it, I have a curiosity for the wolf. It's hard to explain, really. Normally I wouldn't care for such things, but the thought of him or her has been plaguing my mind for me months now. My mother, father, sisters and grandma have warned me to ignore it, and not to go looking for trouble. Normally I would listen to them, like the good little girl I am, but no. Here I am packing a few things into my basket. A dead chicken,


Food for me, a small container of water, and of course, my knife.... just in case. I walk out of the door, it being the dead night. No one was allowed to at night, because of the wolf.

(Than why are you doing it?!)

I walk into the woods, keeping my red cloak to me. I look to see the stars in the sky. I looked shocked, when I war the snapping of leaves behind me. I see the wolf, and pull out my knife and held it out. But that is when I heard it...

"Don't do that, child." The wolf somehow spoke to me.

"You! Y- you can talk?!"

"No... I am speaking into your mind. You should not be out this late." He says as it was a male's voice.

(Girl, we were hella young when he spoke to us and we don't even know it was a dude until now 😂)

"You shouldn't kill people! Or torment my village!"

"It does not matter. I can do what I want, I am stronger and more deadly than them."

"Then... why don't you kill me...?" I ask; my fear slowly going away.

"I do not wish to hurt you." He answers.


"Let's eat, then we shall talk." He laid down on his belly, but still keep himself upright.

I nod my head and pull out the food and the chicken....

Timeskip brought to you by: WHY DA HELL WOULD SHE BRING FOOD OUT AT NIGHT? Where she going, to the tavern?! Gonna give it to animals?! 🐰🐻🐐🐏🐂

It has been months since I've met him, well, REALLY met him. He hasn't told me his name, so I just call him Alpha. He seems to like that, but I don't know why though.

(Mmmm girl, you gonna be SCREAMING it when he has you 😏)

I smiled as I ran through the woods, a snow ball in my hand. I caught sight of him and hit his side with it as he pretends to go down and I pretend to cry, laying on top of him, pretend sobbing.

"Please! Please, don't die!" I cry out over dramatically,

He licks my cheek "Anything for you." He says. I smile and curl into his warmth.

"I love you...." I say smiling.

Wolf's POV

If I could blush, I would. My hear was racing at such simple, but touching words.

"And I love you. No one can love you like I~"

"But... my family-?" She asks but I cut her off.

"NO! Do they make you laugh like I do, do they make you smile like I do? Do they even worry where you go during the stay and night?"

(Wait, during day?? I don't think that's how lycanthropy works)

She looked down and started to cry into my fur.

"Do no worry, my sweet rabbit. I shall always love you, no matter what~" I say, licking her cheek as she nods.

"Me too...."

(595 words! Holy hell! Feels good! He calls her "rabbit" because she's pure and cute like one 😊)

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