Revelations and Father Solomon

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I went to grandmother's house for the night. I haven't seen her for a long time and wanted to check on her. I'm glad she's doing okay and that the wolf hasn't harmed her. I was sitting on a chair, eating her stew before she went to her chest and brought out something.

"What is that, grandmother?"

She smiled and held it up, showing the most beautiful dress I've ever seen!

She smiled and held it up, showing the most beautiful dress I've ever seen!

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"It was my grandmother's wedding dress. It passed down from her grandmother, from her grandmother, and so on. I meant to give it to your mother on her wedding to my son, but she didn't want it. So now, I am giving it to you."

I gently touched the fabric, taking in the needlework and the beading and stitching. It was beautiful!

"Thank you, grandmother. But I must go now." I gently folded the dress and handed it back to her. I didn't want it to get ruined or dirty. I made my way back to the village and heard loud noises in the pub and walked in seeing everyone celebrating that they killed the wolf. But it wasn't my wolf... It was just a regular wolf's head mounted on a spike. I turned and saw.... Henry! Oh no.... His father is....!! Madam Lazar then glared at me, but I didn't know why. I gently went to the forge and saw him there.


Henry POV

"Henry....?" (Y/N) called out to me. Oh, how her voice soothes me, makes my loins tingle. But not this time. I just... need to be alone for awhile....

"Your father was a great man...."

"You know, I was close enough to smell it. And I was afraid. And I hid from it." I didn't do anything. I should've saved him!" I threw the metal into the fire as I was so ashamed for letting (Y/N) down. Lucie may have been avenged, but I was too ashamed to speak, let alone look at her.


"Just leave! I don't want you to see me like this." It aches my heart to see (Y/N) scared of me, like a little rabbit. But I'm glad she understood I needed space, just as she did when losing one she loved. I could hear her leave as my door close and in anger I threw the metal into the coals sending sparks flying.


I left Henry alone to let him mourn his father and when I turn around the corner and saw mother mourning him. She seemed.... so saddened... It's like she.... oh my god..!! She noticed me standing there left the cottage with me quickly following.

"It was Henry's father, wasn't it? The H  man you loved?" I don't understand... Lucie was older than me and Valerie, she should've married him!

We both sat down for a moment, mother looked down before looking back at me. "Lucie was Henry's half-sister. Adrian was her father."

I looked at Papa who took a drink from his flask before back at mother. "Does Papa know about this?"

She shook her head. "No. And you have to promise me that you'll never tell." We all suddenly heard a horn blaring as everyone looked to where it came from as Father Auguste walked up.

"Father Solomon. He's here."

(I think he had an orgasm when saying it like as if he was the big deal XD)

A metal carriage pulled up, covered in metal along with a giant elephant of some sort. The carriage was completely metal, save for the wheels and even the door had a cross on it. Two dark skinned men removed their helmets and opened the door and laid a footstool down as the one on the left spoke.

"Presenting His Eminence...."

"Father Solomon." The right one finished as a middle aged man, maybe nearly 50's stepped out. He wore a purplish red tunic with a giant silver gleaming cross and a silver sash tied around his waist a couple of times before forming a knot. He had brushed light brunette hair, slightly of grey here and there and a beard. Father Auguste began clapping.

(He REALLLLLYY like Solomon XD)

Father Solomon POV

"Papa!" My two little girls cried out as she left the carriage and hugged me as I returned it. They're all I have left now.

"Oh, please don't cry. You see? You see all these children? You see how scared they are? There's a big, bad wolf. Someone has to stop it."

"Is that the beast that killed our mother?" Such innocence, my little ones...

"It may very well be. Go on. I'll join you soon." They went into the carriage and left as I turned to the villagers as father Auguste kissed my hand.

"Welcome. You've arrived just in time for our festival. As you can see, the werewolf has been dealt with." The oldest man spoke, and I nearly laughed when I saw on his spike, was a regular small wolf, everyone clapping.

"That is not a werewolf."

"No disrespect.... But we have been living with this beast for 2 generations. We know what we're dealing with."

"Well no disrespect... but you have no idea what you are dealing with. I was like you once." I turned to address the crowd and my eyes landed upon a young girl, maybe only 16, with the most beautiful of blackest of hair! And her eyes, oh, those eyes~ the most beautiful of purple I've ever seen! And her purple cloak matched her beauty perfectly!

"My wife's name was Penelope. She gave me 2 beautiful daughters. We were a very happy family. We lived in a village like this. And like Daggerhorn... ours was plagued by a werewolf. One full moon, my friends and I got drunk. We decided to hunt it. It never occurred to us that we might actually find it, but find it we did. It ripped... my best friend in half, quickly. And then it was on me! I hacked and hacked at it with my ax. Suddenly... it was gone. I had cut off one of its front paws. I thought it would make a clever souvenir, and so I took it home, and there I found my wife... with a bloody rag wrapped around her wrist. And when I opened my sack... the werewolf's paw... was gone! This was in its place."

A small box opened, showing my wife's right hand in it, making some girls gasp, but the one with the purple eyes whimpered and buried her face in her father's chest as he wrapped his arms around her. Should be me she should find comfort in!

"I told my girls the werewolf killed their mother. But that was a lie. I killed her. When a werewolf dies, it returns to its human form. That is just a common gray wolf. Your werewolf... is still very much alive."

We went into the pub as I explained the bloodmoon and how the curse and bites work but I kept my eyes on the girl. "The real killer could be your neighbor. Your best friend. Your wife. Even your child." The girl looked so nervous and scared, I nearly pulled her close to me but her father beat me to it, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, bringing her close while glaring at me.

She will be mine! Let them celebrate! They'll see I was right!

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