Chapter Six

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I walk into the kitchen taking my jacket off and and chucking it and my bag at the ground with all my force, "AH!" I walk over to the coffee maker slamming my mug onto the counter with all my force, River follows behind me, "What's got you in bunches?" I turn around to look at him, with a look that could kill.

"I seriously suggest that shut the fuck up and walk away right now." He lifts his hands up in defence of himself and walks away. My Mom walks in from the garden, and smile, "Honey, whats wrong?" I turn to her and sigh walking into her arms and burying my head in her shoulder, "I've had a bad day."

She wraps her arms around me swirling my hair around his finger and pulls back from me rubbing circles around on my cheek, "Do you want to watch cartoons and eat an abundance of junk food." I smile and nod, she wraps her arms around my shoulders and leads me up the stairs to the cinema, we sit for a while gorging on popcorn and M&M's whilst watching old episodes of the Simpsons.

"Honey, do you want to talk about it?" I look over and nod slowly as I swallow a large mouthful of popcorn, "Today, at school I was sat in the cafeteria with Lexi and Leo came and pulled my hair, then he kept throwing food at me and he kept getting worse and being more and more of a dick throughout the day. I honestly don't get whats wrong with him, one minute he's funny and sweet then he's the worse human being on the planet, it's like he has split personalities, URGH! He irritates me so much!"

She smiles and chucks another piece of popcorn into her mouth, "Honey, do you remember when you were in middle school, you told me that River was bullying a girl at school?" I nod, "Who was that girl?" I smile, "Meg." She nods and smiles, "Do you also remember that I told you that boys pull girls pigtails because they don't know how else to get a girls attention." I sigh and shake my head, "Mom, he's 18, we aren't in middle school anymore."

She chuckles takes a sip of her tea, "Okay, why are you letting this have such an effect on you, why not just ignore him?" I sigh and take a sip of my coffee, "Because it's pretty hard when he does it all the time." She smile and looks at me with a smile on her face as she places down her mug.

"Okay, do you know the story of your Dad and I?" I shake my head, "We were best friends, we were inseparable, I loved him, and then he got a girlfriend, your aunt Violet, and we didn't speak for a very long time, I hated him, and he was doing some less than nice things to me, and then I realised, that I didn't just love him in the way I thought I did, I was in love with him."

Smile as a smile forces it's self on to my Mom's lips while she speaks about her and my Dad. "That's different, you already loved him, there was history there." She giggles and takes my hands in her, "Honey, I loved your Dad like a brother and then seeing him with Violet, in romantic way, seeing him weak after his Grandpa Nick died, it showed me a completely different side to him, it showed me all the things that I love most about him now, and everything else about him became secondary."

I smile and take another sip of my coffee, "Mom, I'm in a relationship, I'm with Lukas." She squeezes my hand in hers, "You can be with someone but unless you can honestly say with all your heart that you love him then you can quite easily fall in love with someone else, and I don't think you would let him irritate you this much unless you wanted to think about him." Shake my head and pour a handful of M&M in my mouth.

"Honey we've had quite a long conversation and you've mentioned Lukas once." I look to my hand and concentrate on anything else, like that fact that my acrylics are growing out, anything but Leo, but all paths lead to him, I hate to admit it, but my Mom might be right.

I raise to my feet and kiss my Mom's forehead, I walk down that hall to River's bedroom, I lightly knock on the door, the sound of my hand hitting the wood completely drowned out by the sound of my bother awful taste in music, I roll my eyes and walk in, he's sat at his desk with Meg on the screen giggling at him, "Riv..." he hangs up on Meg, spins around and leans back in his chair and looks at me, "Yes?" I frown to myself and sit on the edge of his bed, "I'm sorry. For earlier, you were just trying to lighten the mood and long story short I was a bitch." He smirks and shakes his head as he comes over and sits next to me, "We are twins, I get you mood swings more than anyone, so stop being a idiot and hug me." I smile, he squeezes me tight, as much as I hate him sometime, he is a good brother. "I need a run, want to race to the Hollywood sign?" He smirks and walks over to his closet, "You are going to lose," I smile and jog to my room to get my running gear, I shout over my shoulder as I reach my door, "In your dreams big brother!"

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