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As the two left the Gringotts bank they decided the best thing to get first, was her wand and since Minerva McGonagall was one to think this act was to be done by themselves, she left the girl to go inside the surprisingly small shop.

As the girl crept into the shop she wasn't surprised to see it not as decorated as the others she had passed by.

There was a deep red colored vase with Various flowers that lay inside, a gray lamp sitting lazily on the wooden counter that reached about the height of her chin, a box of quills, black ink, parchment paper, and two windows that had two curtains drenched in a boring gray.

Beyond that wooden counter, laid a long hall that was filled with what looked to be shoe boxes on shelves.

"Is anyone here? Hello?" She asked over the counter politely.

Once that was said a bell rang, indicating that someone had entered the smallish wand shop.

She turned to be faced with a platinum blonde boy. She sort of knew of him. She heard Minerva mumble something almost inaudible earlier while passing the Malfoys' in the berry buddy streets.

Draco Malfoy. She had heard he was kinda arrogant and rude, as to be expected from his parent's teachings, but you didn't hear that from Minerva. Well, don't tell anyone.

When he walked in he stood there beside her, only a few feet away. He smelt of expensive soap and chocolate. They exchanged looks to each other for a few minutes, almost begging to avoid eye contact. She was sure he was done with the awkward ordeal because he had walked to her side looking at her.

"Draco Malfoy, you?" He asks extending a hand to shake, and to which she accepted.

But before she could reply a voice rang out.

"Ah, [name] Pendragon. Been waiting till the day you came in here. The pleasure is all mine." Announced the odd voice.

She dropped Draco's hand gently to turn to see who had spoken, just seconds ago.

Her eyes were met with an elderly man with crazed white hair. A messy suit and excited blue eyes.

"Y-ou're the heir to king A-Author P-P-endragon?" Draco stuttered out, a bit shocked.

[name] just turned her head a bit and looked at Draco to acknowledge his comment.

"Heiress." Corrected the curious man.
[name] chuckled at the old man for a second.

"Yes, anyway, I'm Ollivander, and I suppose you came here for your wand?"

"Yes, Mr. Ollivander." Answered [name].

"Very well, let's get started." And with that, he walked to the back.

[name] turned to see Draco still shocked as ever. She took her left hand and waved in front of his pale face.

"Earth to Draco."  She continued this until he finally came back from his gaze and kneeled.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you." He said with more manners than before and taking her hand to kiss it.

"Thank you? It's nice to meet you too. But umm, why are you on your knees dude? I swear first Ron, now you."  She said the last part a bit quieter than the rest.

"Because you're the--" And before he could finish his sentence, Ollivander returned with what looked like a narrow shoe box.

"Here you go, open 'er up!" He smiled excitedly.

What laid inside was a wand of holly wood and a core dragon heartstring.  The length was a mere ten inches and very low flexibility.

"Now, grab a firm hold it, and give it a bit of a wave." He instructed with his own.

She did as told and sent the once peaceful box of quills flying up in the air, flowing slowly down to the floor.

"Oops." She said while setting the wand in the box which she had grabbed it from.

"Now, child, don't get discouraged. It took me about eleven tries to find my match." He chuckled.

After about fifteen different wands to try, they came to the sixteenth.

"Now, I can only wonder."
He handed her the wand without the box.

It was beech wood, Phoniex core, fourteen and a half inches long with pliant flexibility.

She repeated the hand movement. Once she had, a gold and silver glow went through her hair and around her lightly knocking Draco and Ollivander back.

The girl felt as if she had just taken a breath of air on a nice fall day.

"Whoa." She whispered.

" I was once told that a certain Pendragon would walk in here and obtain a wand that will help save the wizarding world.  And- and here you are." Finished Ollivander.

"A p-phoniex? That's-- wow." Draco said completely astonished once again.

"I have a treat for you little one." Ollivander continued, stepping into the open area in front of his counter.
"This wand is free of charge dear. Your respect and elegance is such a delight to be around. Take it." He said passing the girl the box that holds the beech wood wand.

"Sir, I just couldn't-"

"It is just a pleasure getting to give you your wand you Pendragon. Great things are foreseen in your future." He smiled kindly.

"Sir, if you won't let me pay, I'll give you the galleons I feel you deserve. Not for your shop but for you sir. For your generosity and kindness when I felt ignorant for not understanding it takes time for these things. Thank you." She had place fifteen, golden galleons in his hand and placed his other atop it.

The young boy behind the girl and the elderly man was completely bewildered. 'Why is she so kind to such a man. He wasn't even a high rank in society.' He thought.

The girl was beautiful to him. He, in fact, had already gotten his wand a couple of weeks beforehand, though, he saw a [hair length/color] hair standing idle through the storefront window. A large t-shirt and  blue jeans
hung to her small, eleven-year-old body. She was just wonderful from the back. He had to say something, so he did, and this is where they are now.

"Young one, I can't take this-" He was stopped when he saw the girl had already started to exit, leaning one hand on the door, holding it open. With a small smile, she turned and exited.


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