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"Hello, Ron!" [Name] smiled brightly.

"It's nice to see you," Ron replied with the same warm smile [name] had seen many times.

"Malfoy, hmm? Seems like you knew him."

"Oh, we met in Ollivanders wand shop. He's very sweet, but doesn't talk much. We've hung out a few times."

"That doesn't seem like the Malfoy I know." Inquired Ron.

"And what does that mean? It seems you know him pretty well." [name] asked kindly.

"Never actually met, but I do know that he's a git like his father. His and my Father work together at the Ministry of Magic."

"That must be horrid. His Father is an imbecile. As well as his Mother if you ask me."

"Yeah, but the apple doesn't fall from the tree."

[Name] only looked up in response.

"Don't think he's slightly rude? Just in the tiniest?"

"No! Definitely not. He wouldn't hurt a fly." She smiled.

"Well- from I've heard anyway. But- people can act differently around others."

"Very true you know." Ron laughed.

His laugh was nice, [name] thought. It wasn't fake like most people's in awkward situations or such. It was true and honest.

"Ron! Come along now. Bring your friend if you like." Yelped the ginger woman.

"Okay come on. I got your trolley."

A black western screech owl stood in a cage beneath [name]'s hand and a gray rat in Ron's. They walked down the long isle looking for a spot they could fit in. They had passed Hermione but all [name] and the girl did was exchange small waves.

"Here's one, I think anyway."

"Xcuse' me. Do you mind? Everywhere else is full." Finished Ron.

[Name] decided to peek her head over Ron's shoulder.

She caught Harry's eye for a split second.

"Not at all."
Ron smiled small and sat down. He soon patted the seat beside him.

"I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley." He smiled.

"Oh and this is-."

"I'm [name] Pendragon. Nice to meet you." She said sticking her hand out to shake his.

He returns the favor.

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter." Harry smiled shyly.

But the second those words slipped off his eleven-year-old lips, a certain Ron Weasley's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

[Name] was certainly confused. When she announced her last name something usually happens in the same matter.

"So- it's true. I mean- do you really have the-" Ron curved his lips in and shifted to his head.

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