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      vault seven-one-three

   [name] was sitting at the Gryffindor table quietly. She wasn't exactly feeling the best. Carp brains and gym socks never really mix well of this early hour, or to any extent was it fine tasting. Hermione sat in front of her, Seamus and Dean sat at her sides with Neville and Nyx beside Hermione.

Nyx was like a storybook character to [name]. Her screaming purple eye and her pretty, chocolate skin. Nyx was an Animagus. A bird was her other side. A raven exactly. It was quite exciting to hear Nyx's stories. She didn't exactly write them, but she was keen to remember. The one she told the five eleven-year-olds surrounding her, was about four teenagers putting their lives on the line, to save everyone and one. Not just the four but, a whole army was fighting the darkness. 

She also mentioned how the dream zeroed in on the two specific people; a boy and a girl. The part she wasn't as fond of was how she wasn't able to see the faces or much detail in anyone.

The dream she had been having repetitively since a young age of seven, not that an eleven-year-old Nyx was much older than a seven-year-old one.

It empowered her though. She had a hope that no matter the reason, the wizarding and muggle will be safe.

[name] nibbled at her red apple. Red apples have been her favorite since about six years prior, (mainly McDonald's Happy Meals' fault).

Draco had kept his eyes on the girl. He continuously slapped himself in the head, mentally for his outburst at his and Potters second meeting. It was his fault she wasn't speaking.

He had seen the way she barely sunk her teeth into the glorious red apple in front of her. Draco thought an apple sounded honestly appetizing, so he retched for it. Yet, he stopped when he saw a chubby finger heading its way. He wouldn't have minded Goyle getting an apple but it was the last one. And Goyle had just about enough, for Malfoys sake. Goyle had a layer of bread, eggs, sausage, pancakes and three apple cores laying off to the side.

Malfoy gave the taller and heavier boy a mean look before snatching up the apple in front of them and taking a large chomp out of it.

     Professor McGonagall sat atop the tabletop, observing her first years. The class consisted of Gryffindor and Slytherin.  [name] beside Nyx, who just had to be behind the Malfoy heir himself, along with a tall, chubby boy with the name of Goyle.

Harry and Ron ran in the classroom, tripping over each other, trying not to be late. Which they were.

"Made it!" Ron said triumphantly. '

"Could you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Laughed Ron.

"Lucky for you, Ronald, you are going to see Professor's face," [name] said nonchalantly, facing toward the front of the class. Some giggles jumped among the class as Malfoy smirked at the girl behind him. Clever she was.

The cat sitting upon the large desk, lept off of it. Morphing, mid-jump, into Minerva McGonagall herself. 

Ron and Harrys' faces were priceless when seeing McGonagall's actions.

"That was bloody brilliant!"

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it'd be better if I transfigured Mr. Potter and you into a pocket watch. Then one of you might be on time." Sassied McGonagall, all the while looking between both boys. The class held their tongue, much in case of also getting a scolding.

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