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"Oh dear, Dumbledore warned me of this. You'll have to retrieve your funds on your own I worry." Announced Minerva, tossing the bag of odd objects, and with that, the rock colored specks grew and covered the doorway.

She kneeled down and scooped up the blue velvet sack.

"Ma'am, what do I do?"

No reply.



With the sudden silence, she decided to venture further into the looming cave tunnel. As she passed, torches lit her way through the abandoned walkway.

As she turned left, she was enveloped with fear as a booming roar erupted from across the room.

Once she got closer it sounded more of a yawn then it was a roar.

"Hello? Is someone there?" Fear slipping off her tongue like water in a faucet, skeptically she took a few steps forward.

"Is someone there?" Inquired a voice. It sounded as if it was someone is an old medieval movie.

"Umm." She clears her thought and steps further.

"You must be [name] Pendragon, I presume?" Spoke the rather odd voice.

Once she had reached the edge of the cliff she had spoken again to the unknown being.

"Y-yes, and how might you know that? And where are you?" She looked around quizzically.

"I am The Great Dragon--" He started, lowering himself with three flaps of his wings.

"...I once knew your ancestors. King Author, yes?"

"Yeah, actually. I don't tell very many people that-- Again sir, how did you know?"

"You have many things ahead of you I can see and some from when you weren't in existence.
You have something I can see. Something I can help you with."

"And what might that be?"

"See, young fruitful girl. You have an ancestor I had helped and many before that. And it is not your destiny for me to tell you who that may be. But what can give is this."

"Your sack?"

"Oh yes, here sir." She tossed it to the large being in front of her.

The dragon puffed out a heavy-breathed of a gold breeze, sparkling with silver spreading across. Before you could say Hogwarts the sack was floating through the gaze of silver and gold.

Soon it flew back into the child's hand, glistening with the same essence that the dragon blew out.

"Did you do something to it?"
She asked still bewildered.

"You could say that, but what I must warn you. This possession I gave combined with the items in the sack was put together to create something else. You ask what you need. As long as you posse the item."

"I am ever so gratefully thankful for this, but I must ask: why have you gifted this to me?" She had so many questions on her mind. Who she was. Who was the other ancestor? And why in the world is she talking to this dragon? And why is it talking to her?

"You came here for your currency, am I correct?"

"Yes. Actually, how'd you- oh yeah, no one has stepped foot in here for centuries. My apologies."

"Yes, but don't worry for me. You have loads and mountains of galleons and such here as well as you call it muggle currency. You wish for what you have and you'll receive it."

"Wow, sir. Thank you, thank you. May I ask one question?"

"Very well."

"Why was I the only one allowed in here? I know you have to be the heir of King Author but why had I been the only one allowed? Not a goblin to check if someone broke in or such."

"I cannot give you the answer to which you seek, but I will tell you this: you have many things ahead of you, a great destiny for such a small girl. Just know this, you will have to come many great crossroads, choose the side that betters you. Be humble, not so gracious with your winning and be good to your defeat. But always stand strong." And with that, the dragon flew well above her and found sanctuary somewhere within these cave walls.

"Great Dragon dude?" She asked looking around.

Come to me when you're in question and there's nowhere to turn, I will be your light in a dark room.

A voice rang through the child's ears with the same tone as the dragons.

The girl called him out once more and then sighed.

"Farewell dragon dude." And she was off finding her way back the thoroughly the dimmed hallways.

When she walked to the clearing, she found the familiar blue gaze door. She decided to give the room one last good look before exiting the way she entered not too long ago.

"Oh my! I thought something had happened to you." Said the frightened McGonagall.

"I'm fine ma'am."

Say no words of seeing me.

"What had you seen? What's it like in there?" Yelped a guard.

She breathed out a laugh and said, "Just an old cave, I got what I needed though." She smiled to there let down faces.

"Well to the riddle?"

"Weird thing is I hadn't seen anything for it if there was. It had to have been long gone before I was there."

"Very well. Come along."

As the two left the Gringotts they decided the best thing to get first was her wand and since Minerva McGonagall was one to think this act was to be done by themselves she left the girl to go inside the surprisingly small shop.


900 words

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