01: Sad Reality

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“Hanako…” Banjou called out to me with a weary voice. My heart clenches, knowing all too well what he was about to say. So many times I’ve blocked this imagination, covering the sad truth of how he lived his life with the happy delusion that we both built together. From scraps and broken pieces, we tried our best to piece it all together, to build it up again and start anew. But it was all too late, maybe if we’ve met sooner, then there could have been a chance.

I turn around to face Banjou, urging him to continue although I already knew what it was about. “Kaneki, he..” Banjou trails off, unsure if he should tell me or not. “Go on, what about him? Is he home yet?” I asked, but deep inside I know that he isn’t and will never come home again.  “Kaneki, he encountered that Special Class Ghoul Investigator that we warned him about and he…” Banjou trails off again, I look him straight in the eye, reassuring him that it’s okay.

“…he got killed.” He finally built up the courage to spit it out.

I nod my head as I closed my eyes trying to control my emotions, although I knew this was going to happen but the feeling of regret and sorrow still occupied my heart. “Hanako, are you okay?” He asks, I opened my eyes and gives him a sad smile. “Of course, this was bound to happen…” I turn around and went back to my position in front of the window, looking out and trying to hide the tears that has unknowingly streamed down. “..I just wish, he listened to me. I wish I persisted on telling him to stay.” I give out a pathetic smile to my reflection on the mirror, shaking my head as I try my hardest to stop the tears. “I just..” Banjou places his hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me with his simple gesture. I look back at him and gives him with the best reassuring smile I could muster.

“I just wanted him to be happy, for once. But I guess, it’s all too late for that.” Banjou turns me around and holds firmly on my shoulders, “It’s never too late. Even if he’s dead, you continuing to living on is enough to make him happy for the rest of his afterlife.” I shook my head at his statement, as if telling him that he could stop trying to lift up my spirit. “It’s okay, I know you mean good but I just really need time and space.” He gives me a pat on the back, understanding my grief. “Tell the others that they shouldn’t worry about me, I’ve prepared myself for this. I just need to finally apply all those preparation to reality.” With a last comforting smile, Banjou walks out from the room leaving me in the painful silence of once a room full of joyful memories and even sad ones, now nothing but the echoes of those memories heard.

-   End of POV -

3rd POV

Banjou carefully shuts down the door and turns around to face the worried faces of the group. “Is she alright?” Jiro asks, Banjou could only shake his head. “Let’s just leave her be..” He trailed off and walked towards the couch, where the source of a faint cry from another member of the group was heard. “I-I’ve lost o-onii-chan too…”Hinami continued to bawl her eyes out, the others could only pat her in the back. “O-otousan, okasaan and now..onii-chan, why is everyone that I love is taken away from me?!” The others could not help but feel pitiful to the hardships that a girl like her experienced in such a young age. Banjou embraces Hinami, “It’s okay, they’re on a better place now. They don’t have to worry from hiding from the CCGs or getting haunted down by other Ghouls. They’re in a better place now.” Although Hinami knew all too well it was the truth, but she could not accept the cost for it to be attained.

-   End of POV -


Here's the first chapter, this is just a little bit of an intro and what I've imagined how Kaneki's group would have handled kaneki's fate. Although, I know that he was part of Anteiku again on the last chapters but in my story I will not consider him part of Anteiku but instead is still living together with his group. Also, I highly recommend listening to To the Moon's OST "Born A Stranger", it's one of my favorite OSTs for a game uwu

I hope you guys like it and I will post the next chapter soon :D

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