1st stage of Grief: Shock & Denial

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Banjou frees Hinami from his warm embrace, "I'm going back to where Kaneki was found dead, hopefully, I arrive their sooner than the CCGs.." He then looks to the others, "Take care of Hanako and Hinami while I'm not around." The others nod. With a final pat in the head, Banjou walks out and dashed to the sewer where Kaneki's body was last seen.

But to his dismay, he was a little too late. He watched from a corner how the CCGs wrapped Kaneki's body in a white cloth and took him away, he guessed that they were going to make his kagune as a quinque. Although he wanted to stop them and take Kaneki's body home so that the others could pay their respect for all the good he have done, but he knew himself that that idea screamed suicide no matter what angle you would look at it. With a final look at the wrapped body, he murmured "Sorry, Kaneki... We'll try to take you back later.." and with a heavy heart, went back to the headquarters.

Hanako's POV -

I gave out a sigh, looking at the book Kaneki just recently gave me as a gift for my birthday. From what I have originally thought which is just the beginning of the gifts he would give me for the rest of our lives, it was his last and only gift to me, his farewell gift. I stood up groggily, feeling exhausted despite of the 8 hours sleep I've taken earlier. Hesitantly, I opened the door and made a little crack enough for my eyes to peek out.

"What do you mean they've taken Kaneki's body?!" I could hear a loud voice shout in anger, I recognized the owner of the voice was Tsukiyama. 'Oh, I didn't know he was here?' I thought. I continued to eavesdrop on their conversation. "When I arrived, they were already taking his body. I couldn't do-" "You could've done something by stopping them!" Tsukiyama cuts off Banjou in the middle of his sentence. "You think I didn't think of that?" Banjou looked furiously at Tsukiyama. "But even if I did, then it wouldn't just be Kaneki's body they'd be taking with them but mine too!" Tsukiyama looks the other way, as if admitting defeat at the argument. When the two men finally turned silence, I decided to make m appearance.

"The CCG took Kaneki's body?!" I threw open the door I was peeking through and walked closer to them. "Did I hear that right?" Banjou nods slowly. "K-kaneki.." I trailed off, my mind racing with thoughts of what they could've done with him. They could take their Kagune and be used as a quinque trapped inside that small briefcase. Or even worse, they could use him as a test subject on how to defeat ghouls as superior as he was.

A crease forms in my forehead, "I'm taking him back." I storm off towards the door. "Wait, what?" Banjou was quick to stand in front of me. "I'm going to the CCG, I'm going to take his body from them." I say with determination. "And how in the heavens were you planning to do that, mademoiselle?" Tsukiyama asks, I turn around and face him. "I'm going to tell them I'm going to make experiments on his body, find out how his mentality works or something..I don't care. I'm a human anyway, they can't take me in because I'm not a ghoul." I could see the disapproved look he was giving me. "And you think they'd give up the body of someone who gave them all the troubles and even caused the death of one of their top investigator that easily?" I knew what he said was right, but I felt hopeless. I've accepted the fact that Kaneki is gone, he can never be beside me anymore. But I cannot accept the fact that his dead body still be used as a weapon, their playtoy, their puppet. He has went through so much already, and yet he is still experiencing the same pain he has went through even if he was already dead. "Then what do you want me to do? Move on and act like I am okay by the fact that we can never give him the proper burial he deserved? To never make him rest in peace, spiritually and physically?!" My voice raised on every word I spoke. "Tell me, Tsukiyama. What the fuck do you want me to do?" I spoke in anger, surprising everyone as they knew I was the type of girl who was never fond of saying such harsh words as that. I shook my head and stomped my feet towards outside. "Just let her be.." I hear Tsukiyama say to Banjou. "But she's going to-" " I don't think she can, at her state right now." Are the last words I hear from them as I shut the door loud behind me.

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