6th Stage of Grief: Reconstruction & Working Through

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“Thank you, Hide.” I said to the spiky redheaded guy in front of me, a small smile forming after.

We spent about an hour or more on that food chain, eating and chatting away our problems. It was nice to have someone to talk to, someone who also feels & understands the pain that you’re going through right now. It makes you feel less lonely and in some way, you can help each other to get pass through it.

“No biggie! You can call me anytime if you want to hang our or just talk or whatever other reasons it may be.” He hands me a piece of paper from one of his pockets. My brow roses as I took the paper from his hands. “Has this been on your pocket all along?” I question, he grins and nods at me. “I always have them with me just in case, you know, I meet a fine a lady and I can take them out sometime.” He wiggles his eyebrows and a smug smirk was plastered on his face.

I chuckled, typical Hide.

“So, am I one of those fine ladies or not?” I playfully asked him, his expression changed into a panicked one. “No! I mean yes—no wait, no!..no??” He talks with himself for a while until he finally gave up. “I don’t know!” He shouted out, his cheeks colored with tints of pink. I laughed, along with Hinami, at his response. “A-anyway! I’m not taking you out, it’s just a friendly get together.” He says, still flushed with embarrassment. Although, it felt like he said it more to himself than towards us.

“Right, right. I’ll remember that.” I said, a smile still on my face, as I placed the paper onto one of my pockets. “Well, we better get going. The others might worry if we don’t come back, we didn’t really leave a note or anything for them.” Me and Hinami waved towards Hide, and he does the same to us. We started walking towards opposite directions and started our journey back to the headquarters.

As soon as we opened the door, worried faces welcomed the both of us. “Hinami, Hanako!” Banjo exclaimed and came towards us. “Thank goodness, I thought something bad happened to you.” He says as his piercing worried eyes darted on us. I gave him a reassuring smile, “There’s nothing to worry about. I just wanted to eat outside and feel the sun a little after a few days of neglecting it.”

“Well, it’s about time.” A voice says from the back of us. I turned around and sees a smirking Tsukiyama behind us.  We walked inside the headquarters along with him and sat down on the couch. “So, we’re guessing you’re feeling better now?” Ichimi asks from beside me. I gave them a quick nod. “A little bit..yeah.” I said and tried to give them my best smile just so they could stop worrying about me. “Thank goodness, it was tiring to throw the food you ignored everyda-ouch!” Sante screams in pain as Jiro elbowed his stomach. “I’m sorry Hanako-chan..” Sante murmurs, rubbing his stomach to ease the pain. I chuckled and shook my head, “No, no. I should be the one saying sorry for making you guys worry.”

“It’s okay, we understand that you’re still in pain because of your loss. We’re just happy that you finally broke out from your shell and welcomed us into it.” Jiro says, I could imagine her giving me a smile behind that gas mask. “Thank you everyone.” I sincerely thanked them. At these kinds of moments, I feel blessed that I’m surrounded by people who will never give up on me even If I’ve already have.

“Well,” I said as I stood up. “Since I’m feeling a little bit better now. Maybe I’ll start tidying up my room.” I started walking towards the room where me and Kaneki once shared. “You know what they say, If you can’t fix your own room, then how much more your own life.” I said in determination.

“Wait!” Banjou calls out, I looked at him to urge him to continue. “We’ve already cleaned it up when you left. I thought we just had to take up the opportunity that you’re finally out there to tidy things up and make the atmosphere a little light in there.” He informs me.

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