5th stage of Grief: The Upward Turn

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Another day has yet again passed.

I opened my eyes and lifted myself up, struggling as my muscles wobbled to find strength.
How many days has it been since I’ve risen from this bed? 2, 3 maybe 4?

I don’t really remember, but I guess that explains a lot why my muscles isn’t working properly right now. I’ve been lazing around for days and not blessing it with the daily exercise that it needed.

Although I’ve risen once or twice in a day, it’s either to eat the food that Banjo keeps on leaving despite of the fact that I couldn’t even finish them all or I would go to the bathroom and do my business.

I sighed and my foot reached for my slipper placed on the floor and put them on. With every ounce of strength on me, I steadied myself as I tried to stand up. With wobbly legs, I walked towards the window and opened the curtains. Finally welcoming the sun after days of rejecting his sunlight blessing me.

I covered my eyes with the back of my hand, ignoring the fact that the sun is blinding me at the moment, and just enjoying the gentle kisses the rays are leaving onto my pale skin.

I hear the door behind me crack open accompanied by a soft voice calling out to me, “Hanako-nee-chan, you finally got out of the bed!” followed by footsteps running towards my direction.

I almost fall towards the ground as Hinami envelops me in a tight but comforting hug from behind.

I turn myself around and reciprocates her affection towards me. “I’m sorry, did I make you wait too long?” she shakes her head, “No, It’s alright! What’s important is you’re starting to move around again.” She separates herself from our hug and looks at me. “But..you’re looking thin. Nee-chan, let’s go out and have you something to eat!” She suggests and immediately started dragging me towards the door.

“Woah-woah-woah there~” with all the strength I have, I tried to stop her from dragging me along with her. She turns around and questions my action.

“What you said is a great idea, but I need to take a bath. Wouldn’t want such a cute girl like you be seen around with a smelly girl like me.” I said and we both chuckled after.

“Okay, I’ll be waiting for you outside then!” I nod at her, she skips her way towards the door and closes it gently as she goes out.

I sighed and with slow steps, I went to the bathroom to take a bath after days of ignoring my hygiene needs and just diving into the scent Kaneki left on our bed. It took me awhile to thoroughly clean myself because of my wobbling legs, but somehow I managed to finish it under an hour.

Once I stepped out of the bathroom, I felt better than when I woke up. My legs didn’t wobble as much as it did plus my skin felt like a plant getting watered on after how many days of not getting any of it.

I quickly changed my clothes and went out to the sofa outside our room to meet Hinami.

“Uwaa, Nee-chan you look pretty!” Hinami excitedly says as she circle around me to check my outfit. I was wearing a floral dress with a cardigan over it and my hair was all tied up in a perfectly messy bun. “Thank you, you’re looking pretty yourself as well Hinami.” I complimented her, she mumbles a shy thank you as her pales turn pink at my comment. “Now, let’s go out and eat! I’m starving~” And as if on cue, my tummy starts rumbling leaving me and Hinami laughing. “Hai, hai, tummy-san, I’ll go and take nee-chan out now~” And with that, me and Hinami started walking out and went to the nearest food chain as ‘tummy-san’ kept on whining for food.

We sat down and immediately a waitress approached us and gave us the menu. I picked a food to order and she took it down on a piece of paper, she then looks at Hinami. “What would be for the kid?” She asks. I looked at Hinami and sweat dropped at this situation, “A-aaahh, One coffee for the kid.” The waitress’s brow rose, questioning my choice. “Are you sure that’s all the kid is going to have?” She looks at Hinami again, to confirm the order I gave for her. Hinami nods with a forced smile. “O-oh, you know how kids are now a days. They act all mature for their own age..hehehe” I awkwardly say as the waitress continued to eye me in suspicion. “Well okay then, you’re order will be up in 5 minutes.” She informed us and finally went away.

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