7th Stage of Grief: Acceptance & Hope

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“You’re joining the CCG?!” Banjou’s shout rings around the headquarters, everyone who was on their own room heard it and immediately dashed and peeked their heads out the door.

“Banjou-san, please calm down!” Hinami butts in and sits the shocked Banjou on the sofa.

“A-are you sure about this nee-chan?” She hesitantly asked.

“Yes.” I said with determination, showing them just how serious I am with this. “I know, you guys are probably thinking that I’m turning my back on you..but I’m not.”

They both look at me, urging me to explain further.

“It’s just..my parents, I want to find justice for my parents’ death.” My hands balled into fist as the memory floods in my mind again. “They were killed by ghouls a few years ago, and I watched it happen before my eyes.” I confessed, making them widen their eyes.

“H-hanako-chan..we didn’t kn—“ “It’s alright, It’s all in the past now.” I said and sighed after, it felt like the words I spoke was intended to convince me more than them.

“I just..want to make sure that no one else get to experience the same dark experience I went through.” I looked at them and gave them a small smile. “I also want people to know that not every ghoul is evil, some of them are as friendly and caring as you guys are!” Soon after, they joined and smiled with me too.

“I see..” Tsukiyama whispers, out of nowhere. I turned around and saw him standing by the front door.

“S-shuu-san!” I unexpectedly called out to him out of shock. “You always seem to appear out of nowhere..” I murmured, trying to be careful with the choice of words I spoke with him.

Although me and Tsukiyama have never fought nor had an argument before, but I have a feeling that he still didn’t fully understand why a mere human like me is living in the same house as the group while him, a ghoul who solely offers his body and soul to Kaneki, isn’t.

He scoffs and steps inside, striding towards us. “No need to be surprised of my presence.”

He stops in front of me and eyes me, as if trying to read what’s on my mind. I gulped in nervousness as I tried to look anywhere but him.

“I don’t mind the idea of you joining the CCG, in fact, I’ve already predicted this to happen.” His words caught my attention, and I finally looked at him. “What do you mean by that?” I said, unsure if he meant it the good way or the bad.

“Well, unlike anyone else here, you’re a human. And humans are bound to make hasty decisions.” He started pacing slowly around me, his eyes never leaving my stoned figure. “At one second, they’ll feel loath and sorrow that eats up slowly their humanity.” He stops abruptly and turns his heels around, and started walking back to where he was standing before. “And on the other, before you even know it, they find themselves attracted to the one that caused their grave pain.”

“But, it’s not really wrong, it’s called being human.” He stops and looks at me again, eye to eye. I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to get the message he’s sending to me right now.

“Humans are always curious. That’s why the rate of people dying everyday increases by the second.” His hand reaches towards my hair and started patting it, as if I was a little dog. “No matter how stupid and suicidal their idea is, they’d rather die there than die not knowing.” I swatted his hand away from me, he only chuckles.

“You, my dear, are a perfect example of being human.” His hands reaches towards my cheek and held it softly. “How you were attracted to Kaneki-kun in the first place, is just like how you are attracted to the CCG now.”

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