Chapter 2

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As they arrived at camp everyone was outside looking around for something they starred at us and ran at us. Arya grabbed Wildfire in a bear hug, and Soul grabbed Jaydon hugging him tightly. A deep voice came from the shelter Oraki walked out and " Where the hell were you guys, Jaydon gave Oraki a smirk " what's it to you". Oraki starred at Jaydon with an angry expression on his face, he turned around and went back into the shelter.

Wildfire screeched as Arya hugged her tightly" what's wrong" Arya curiously mentioned. Soul walked over to wildfire pressing down on her chest felling for something that was unordinary, as she pressed on her ribs Wildfire screamed loudly. Soul glanced at Arya and started to carry her inside the shelter.

Inside the shelter everyone was busy, Soul and Arya sit by Wildfire's side aiding her wounds, Oraki sat in the corner glaring at Jaydon with bitterness. Jaydon sat next to the campfire attempting to light light it "ouch" dark red blood oozed from the wound on his finger, Jaydon dropped his knife and wiped the blood on his sleeve. The wound instantly began to heal and it looked as if nothing happened, luckily nobody noticed him they were all to busy doing other things.

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