Chapter 6

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"J..Jay" the word rolled off my tongue, it was bitter that name it had haunted me ever since I had become this twisted demon..that engulfed my human life and turned it upside down.

A few doctors came up to my cage and unlocked it, this is my chance I thought to myself.

One grabbed and unchained my cuffs and pulled me up, my eyes began to glow purple..the doctors starred at me slowly backing away.

The room began to glow a bright purple color all that could be heard was the screams of doctors. Soul starred in shock trying to look through the bright like but continued to hear nothing but loud screams that wouldn't stop.

Finally the room went silent, soul starred curiously "Jaydon?" she called nervously hoping to see him through the light that was now fading but still hiding what had happened.

The light disappeared completely to uncover the mess. Soul looked at it and couldn't understand, bodies of dead doctors and scientist lay on the tile blood oozing from wounds on there necks...then she say Jaydon standing in the middle of it all. Blood dripped from the tips of his fang, it covered his shirt.

I stood motionless for a moment to take on what I just did, my knees got heavy and my eyes began to close. but before they could I slid myself to the doctor that had the keys and tossed them into soul cage. my sight went dark and my heart slowed.

My sight began to fuzz up but clearing slowly, Soul was finishing unlocking herself then she went to Wildfire's. I would have told them to leave me, but I am to weak to even bother speaking.

They began to sprint toward me, Wildfire grabbed my left arm placing it around her neck and Soul did the same but with my right arm.

The vision of Oraki's eyes shinned in my head I kept seeing it, my fangs sank into my gums again "we have to go back for him". Soul looked at me "go back for who, Jaydon he's evil"

"No he's not Ja..Jay is controlling him he's not evil, We have to go back"! I couldn't believe that I was actually gonna do something to help Oraki, have I gone mad, did I think helping him would finally make him like me.

I didn't even know but I knew that we had to find Oraki.

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