Chapter 14

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Jaydon stood in the dim moon light starring at his body laying on the stone. Soul approached him slowly, "are you okay... You've been starring at that for over an hour."

"Yeah.. I just feel empty, well more empty than usual.. it's like I've lost the will to feel any emotion anymore."

"It's okay that's an effect to being a dead supernatural, you don't feel anymore, you can't feel."

Soul sighed, "but you won't be like this forever, I will get you back if it's the last thing I do."

Soul stood proudly to what she had said, to bad she hadn't known the worst of it. Jaydon looked down at his body, toward his chest and saw his heart with silver flacks in it. Splinters in his dried up blood, and his black hair dying, falling out.

It would only be a matter of time before his body would deteriorate into nothing but ash.


My ghost like body shook, I felt ice cold, I wanted to cry but instead all I could do was stand there not feeling anything, no sadness, no happiness, and I couldn't feel the love that I had for Soul.

I sighed watching my breath in the cold winter air. I walked toward Wildfire watching her go through a Spell book she found near the lake sitting on a rock. I sat on the rock next to the book, Wildfire jumped a little feeling the cool air of my ghostly body.

I grabbed a page and flipped it, she pulled her hands up away from it and watched me flip to a page that was titled "Bringing The Dead Back".

She began speedily skimming the page until she found a ritual that could bring back anything. Her face lit up, "Soul I found it" she yelled.

Soul ran over and read the ritual, "we need a witch, it says we need a witch, were are we gonna find a witch that would help us bring back a vampire." They sighed feeling defeated.

I stood silently watching them, a brach cracked behind them, walking out of the forest was a young girl that wore a cloak to cover her face and her brown hair curled inside the cloak.


"Who are you" Soul asked furiously.

"Now don't be rude, I merely came to retrieve my spell book that you stole"

"Wait you're a witch", Souls face lit up

"Yes, my name is Veezee"

They all looked at each other before Soul dare to ask her for help. " I beg you please help us."

Veezee pondered for a moment "with what exactly"

"Well my friend here kinda got a stake driven through his heart, and well we need to bring him back.. please help us."

Veezee laughed, "haha why would I help you bring back a vampire, he's gone, move on"

Anger crossed Souls mind "please"

Veezee sighed " I guess I could help, but for a price, when I bring the vampire back, he is to give me a gallon of his magical blood, which holds healing properties."

"Deal" Soul grabbed Veezee's hand shook it hard and smiled.

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