Chapter 17

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Everyone knelt in the brush staring at the abandon cabin, that Wildfire came across during her hunt.
We all looked at each other, then back at the cabin.

"I guess we should check to make sure there's nothing in it" Arya stated.

"No I thought we were gonna stand here and watch all day" Jaydon Sarcastically smirked.

We walked toward it and stopped on the rotted wooden porch, each board creaking and cracking as our bodies crossed them. I looked at Soul and the others, then slammed my foot against the wooden door kicking it in. I began to enter the house, when suddenly I was sent flying backwards by a protection spell.

"There's someone in this house, there wouldn't be a protection spell if there weren't" Jaydon said frustratedly.

"No maybe not, your a vampire you have to be invited into a house by the owner... look" Soul stepped into the front entryway of the cabin.

"Oh yeah" Jaydon sighed and walked back up to the porch sitting on a half broken bench.

"I'll be here when you get back"

Soul nodded in response as they entered the cabin. She began to look through cabinets, checking to see if anything was left, food, matches, etc.
A board above them creaked, as if someone was walking around. Arya slowly crept up the stairs, all of them following.

When they were all in the attic they saw nothing but water damaged walls and ceilings. then suddenly the stairs disappeared and their place was filled with flooring, trapping them. Then a figure stood in the corner and put his hand out as if waiting for her to shake it.

"Who are you" Soul asked nervously

"My name is Darkness, who are you and what are you doing in my cabin"

"We.. well we were just wandering around the forest and we came across this cabin, it looks abandon" Soul explained.

Darkness took in the information slowly as if he hadn't been in a conversation with someone for months maybe years. Wildfire looked at Darkness with curiosity. He returned the broken steps to the attic allowing us to escape, Soul turned to face him as the others walked down the stairs "why don't you come with us, we have plenty of supplies"

Darkness smiled, his eyes lit up."I would appreciate that"

They all walked out of the cabin, as they came out Jaydon smiled as he saw them walk out, then frowned as Darkness appeared.

"Who is this, and why is he following us"Jaydon asked curiously.

"His name is Darkness and he is gonna come stay with us.."Soul stated Firmly.

Jaydon hissed at him and jumped off the porch, beginning to walk back towards camp. As they approached camp they saw at least thirty SNH's going through our shelter. I looked at the others and I could tell we all had the same idea of what to do except Darkness, he hesitated to agree that fighting was the way to solve the problem.


I jumped up and over the log that stood between me and the hunters, my foot collided with one of their faces. I whirled around kicking two if them in the jaw, surely breaking it. Two hunters charged at me, I jumped in the air avoiding a stake being conjoined with me heart.

Soul grabbed one by the neck sending him flying across the battlefield finally stopped by an oak tree instantly killing him. Arya spouted fire from her mouth as she transformed into her dragon form. Wildfire and Soul joined hands and charged at one of the, knocking the wind out of him.

A helicopter came from above and two mounted machine guns started firing round after round at all of us. I superspeed around dodging the bullets, the gunner began to put a new set if ammo in the gun, I jumped up and tackled the man.

He began punching me in the face, whilst the other gunner fired rounds at the other. I shoved him off me and jumped up, he grabed a metal pipe from the floor and slammed. It right into the back if my head, I fell to the floor rubbing my head as my vision blurred and then I slowly blacked out.


Soul sensed something had gone wrong, " you guys keep fighting in gonna go help Jaydon" She explained. She jumped up to the helicopter and saw Jaydon on the floor, she ran at him and picked up his head, "Jaydon are you okay.. Jaydon" She began shouting at him.

Jaydon's eyes opened a bit and he said, "B..Behind you".

Soul whirled around fast but not fast enough, the gunner slammed the metal pipe against her head, causing her to black out as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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