10 | Punishment

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I reluctantly obeyed and followed her to her office. I clearly had no choice, had I?

Miss Venable was sauntering with elegance and serenity like she was fully aware of her next intention. Surreptitiously, I glanced at Miss Venable's back wondering what was on her mind. Due to the silence the tension was unbearable. I decided that I shouldn't even dare to envision her intention.

I swallowed hard and nervously bit my lip when she suddenly stopped. Two guards with stern expressions dressed in black were standing in front of her office. As soon as they noticed Miss Venable, the guy on the left side opened the door for her without paying attention to me.

I heard the door closing behind me. I was alone with her again. Trapped again. Miss Venable advanced towards her desk and slowly took a seat, fixing me with an intense gaze. Her eyes burned holes through mine while one of her hands was now gripping the top of her cane, one finger tapping incessantly against the ornamented top. „Well...Your duties seems to bore you. Maybe I gave you too little work"

„No!", I said a bit too loud and immediately lowered my gaze.

„Excuse me?", she scoffed.

„I-I mean...I was just exhausted and fell asleep. I didn't even notice it happened. It won't happen again, I promise"

„No it won't" The harsh tone in her voice made me feel uneasy. What was that supposed to mean? „Come to me. Your behavior was inappropriate. I thought I'd been clear about the importance of obedience" At first I couldn't manage to move. A rush of anxiety ran through my body and I was just staring at her in confusion and insecurity. Seeing that I didn't show a hint to obey, her expression turned darker. She obviously didn't approve my reaction. "Come to me", she literally spat every word to make her message clear. Reluctantly and hesitantly I finally obeyed. I felt like a toy she owned or something on her plate she was playing with... Just as she was about to say something there was a loud knock at the door and our heads turned. A wave of relief ran through my body. „Yes", Miss Venable couldn't hide the annoyance in her voice. The next moment two guards came in. Each of them were grabbing a Purple - A boy and a girl dressed in underwear. They desperately tried to fight the guards but failed. When I took a closer look I gasped as I noticed that the captives were Emily and Timothy.

„Miss Venable, we have a little problem here. They were caught having sex in their room", Miss Mead who had also joined explained in a dead serious way. Emily whimpered and Timothy tried to comfort her, giving her a soft gaze. I didn't dare to look at Miss Venable. If she had been annoyed earlier because of me she was probably now furious.

Miss Venable didn't say anything for a while. She was probably thinking of a proper way to deal with the situation. „This is very disappointing. You know what has to happen now", she eventually hissed at them.

„Nothing has to happen", Timothy interjected. His voice was strong but I wasn't sure if he was that brave inside too.

"I explained the rules when you arrived", Venable said in a low, growling voice.

„Those were your rules. Nobody cares if you have sex or not", Emily managed to say under her heavy breathing and exchanged a look with Timothy. „You are sick"

My eyes widened when I finally couldn't hold back catching a fleeting glimpse of Miss Venable. She was looking at them with a death stare. If gazes could kill...

Suddenly Miss Mead stepped in front of Emily and slapped her so hard she nearly slumped. Emily, Timothy and I gasped in shock. Emily rubbed her cheek and forced herself to turn and face Venable. She was desperately trying to hold back her tears.

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