12 | Keep calm

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I still hadn't seen David yet after a couple of days. I began to worry but I'd told myself that he had probably just been busy working in another sector of Outpost 3.

However, today I had to wash all the dishes on my own in the kitchen. The other Grays who normally were responsible for this kind of work were given other orders.

I didn't like the kitchen sector. It reminded me of those stainless steel canteen kitchens in hospitals. Due to the spare light and the lack of space between the kitchen sink and the work tables this area caused me to feel like it was slowly smothering me since I slightly suffered from claustrophobia. I wondered how it was possible for all those Greys to work here day after day.

However, I had to do all the dishes before Miss Venable showed up. She had never mentioned the incident with the zipper by the way.

Sighing, I grabbed another plate and began to wash it. This work seemed to take ages. I had never figured out how it was possible to obtain clean water due to the contamination outside. I'd just grabbed another plate when I heard footsteps from the corridor outside. A rush of adrenaline immediately ran through my body - Could it be Miss Venable? Eyeing the huge amount of dirty plates that were still left I began to panic. Miss Venable clearly had stated that every single dish better had to be clean when she arrived in the sector...

The footsteps were getting closer but I'd figured out that it was impossible for me to getting the work done so I silently started to pray with a racing heart that it wasn't her who was approaching the kitchen. I just couldn't afford annoying Miss Venable again...

Eyes wide opened I stared at the door and winced a bit as it moved. My heart was beating fast. I expected to see Venable's long black dress in any moment but instead no one other than David sneaked in and closed the door behind him. My body instantly relaxed and I let out a loud relived sigh.

„David? What are you doing here? You scared me to death! I thought you were Venable"

David gave me an apologizing gaze. „I'm very sorry, (Y/N). I know you're supposed to do the dishes but I just need to talk to you for a moment" His brown eyes glistened in excitement and he couldn't stifle a soft smile.

„What's going on? Why are you smiling like that?" I asked in confusion and put the towel on the stainless steel surface.

David motioned in my direction and began to whisper: „I know how to get out of here"

A rush of excitement hit my body and my eyes widened. „You do??"

„Shh, be quiet. Walls have ears" I quickly mumbled an excuse and David gave me a soft smile. „Okay, listen carefully: Go to the community room and head for the bookshelf on the left hand side tomorrow after dinner. There's a book as red as wine titled ‚The outline of history'. It's very easy to find. I will leave a letter in this book for you which will explain everything"

„But why don't you just tell -"

David interrupted me. „I don't have much time. I need to go back to my sector again before anyone notices my absence. Just head for the book, (Y/N), do you hear me?"

I quickly nodded.

„It's important that nobody sees you. Just read my letter and burn it afterwards. Use the fireplace and be sure the fire destroys the whole letter"

I took a deep breath „Okay I will be careful, I promise"

„This is our only chance. I'm sorry, I have to go now. Don't worry, everything is going to be alright."

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