7 | Trapped in misery

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Warning: Violence

At some point, I recovered consciousness.

Where am I?

Someone was holding me tight and I could tell we were moving. I carefully blinked and perceived the dirty ground beneath me despite my blurred vision.

What's happening?

As my vision got clearer and as I took a fleeting glimpse of a yellow suit out of the corner of my eye my heart skipped a beat. A rush of panic ran through my body as I got an overview of the situation. A guard had found me!

No, no, no. This can't be happening...How did he find me? Where is he carrying me? Does he think I'm dead? Would he kill me if he found out that I was alive?

So many questions were racing through my mind, but when I saw the huge gate of the horrible outpost all my courage left and I wanted to scream in despair and wildly kick around me but I was frozen. I couldn't move because I was too frightened. I was in fear for my life. Instead, I closed my eyes and tried to calm down which was nearly impossible given the circumstances. But my life was depending on my further actions so I had to summon all my courage and act brave now. Playing dead was probably the only possibility for me to survive. Chances were high that the guard would simply shoot me if he realized that I was still alive.

Suddenly the guard stopped dead and I gritted my teeth, trying to suppress an incoming tremble with a hammering heart. "Code 57. Target is in front of the entrance", someone nearby reported through a walkie-talkie. "Target is alive, but appears to be unconscious. We'll bring her down now"

No, no, no!

The guard carried me into the elevator. My hope was fading. There was no way out. They knew that I was still alive. God only knew what they would do to me now. Would they torture me to death? Would they shoot me in front of the other survivors?

Once we seemed to have gotten into the underground, the guard motioned towards the entrance passage. We passed the cleaning, I still kept my eyes shut, frantically trying to evaluate my situation and to find possible exits for my predicament. Perhaps there was one last option left...

At some point we stopped and I carefully blinked. Now or never! My eyes shot open and I wildly kicked around me with all my might. Fazed by my sudden, unexpected action the guard let out a surprised gasp and dropped me. As I frantically tried to back away, he managed to seize my arm. Panicking, I firmly kicked him and yelled at him to let me go.

Suddenly, I was torn away from someone else behind me. I was roughly grabbed by two strong arms and pushed hard on the ground. Whimpering in pain I tried to fight back but the guards pushed me even harder against the ground, shouting, and pressed my head against the floor until I couldn't manage to move.

"Let go of me! Don't touch me!", I screamed with a stifled voice in despair, tears blurring my vision, but nobody was paying attention to me.

"Enough!" Someone vigorously struck on the floor with a cane several times, so that the room was filled by the loud echoes of the thuds. The guards instantly turned silent, but still held me tight. Panting, I managed to lift my head a bit and saw Miss Venable's black heels in front of me. Fear and panic hit me as I saw her face. She stared at me with an inhuman coldness while her hands were resting hands on her cane. Her eyes pierced me with hatred and disgust, letting an icy chill run down my back and letting my blood run cold. She gestured one of the guards to pick me up. My limbs burned as he roughly grabbed me so I gritted my teeth in pain.

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