6 | Escape

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As the elevator door opened I was surrounded by fog. I held my breath, heart pounding against my chest, and stepped outside. I didn't know where to run but I needed to get as far away as possible from the outpost. Away from those insane humans. I slowly motioned forwards, body still tense, until I saw the huge iron gate. Like a giant wall it lingered in front of me. My stomach instantly dropped at the sight of it.

That's bad...

My gaze fell to a black figure near the gate which had spotted me at once. „Who are you?" The guard slowly approached me and reached for his gun.

I didn't hesitate to point my gun at him at once causing him to stop dead. „Don't move or I'll shoot", I warned him, my body quivering in fear. I slowly approached him with a hammering heart. „Open the gate!" The guard didn't move so I summoned all my courage and shouted: „I said open the goddam gate!" Finally the guard reluctantly stepped backwards and pressed a lever, so the iron gate slowly opened with a deafening sound. Suddenly the sound of sirens boomed behind me, making me flinch and whirl around in panic. Other dark figures stormed towards me.

I felt every fiber, every nerve grow tight. Adrenaline rushed through my entire body. I didn't think twice before storming to the gate, realizing that the suit was really heavy and every step cost a lot of strength but I gritted my teeth and ran for my life. Voices behind me shouted that I should stop immediately but I didn't listen to the guards. As I'd passed the gate I tried to figure out where to run as the fog was getting thicker and thicker but there was no time to evaluate the best way to escape. I kept racing into the fog as fast as I could, farther away from Outpost 3.

Suddenly a shot sounded closely behind me and I screamed in panic and fear but kept racing. A few tears flowed down my cheeks in shock. The sound of the sirens faded as I got farther away.

How far can I make it? How close are the guards? Will they shoot me if they find me?

At some point my limbs started to burn like fire. Nevertheless, I tried to maintain my pace, panting heavily. Stopping now meant dying, so I summoned all my willpower and strength. The fog gave me a small advantage. I could probably make it. I just wasn't allowed to give up now. But at this point I'd made a big mistake: I hadn't considered where exactly to go after my escape.

For a while I was able to maintain my pace, then my legs got so weak I finally slumped on the ground. I could no longer hear the sirens in the distance. I listened to the silence, my heart was heart racing. Breathing heavily I lay for a few moments on the hard ground, then I forced myself to stand up and almost lost my balance again. When I finally managed to stand up with my heavy suit I gasped in shock as I noticed the hole in the suit on my right leg. Panicking I started to sob heavily because I knew what was about to come. Within a few seconds, the toxic air would probably burn my skin and rip the air from my lungs.

But nothing happened. Not after a few seconds. Not after a few minutes. Still frozen in shock, I eyed my leg. I stared at it as if I was waiting for the skin to redden and to start burning but then I remembered what had happened before I'd been in Outpost 3. I'd somehow been immune to the toxicity of the dust. Like a supernatural phenomena the radiation didn't pierce through my body.

The rustling of leaves suddenly tore me out of my thoughts and I whirled around. The fog had now cleared but I couldn't see any of the guards. Within a second I made my decision: If I wanted to go further, I had to get rid of the suit.

Determined, I took off my helmet. Cool, pleasant air seized my face and I took a deep breath. Nothing happened. I could breath normally. I slowly stripped the rest of the suit off but I decided to keep the boots.

Suddenly, I perceived the crackling of a walkie-talkie near me and froze, holding my breath. Shortly thereafter, the silhouette of a thin figure appeared in front of me and again I ran for my life.

"Get back here! There's no way out! You're dead!! ", the guard yelled after me.

Panting, I ran into a forest. The deeper I got into the forest the darker the light. The treetops prevented light from passing through. Completely breathless and exhausted, I finally had to stop and lean against a tree.

"I know you're here" a male voice sounded behind me. I swallowed and pressed my back into the tree bark. "Running away is useless!" I held my breath and listened to the guard's footsteps. He seemed to head for another direction. I waited for a few moments, then dared to move again. I went deeper into the forest until darkness set in and the ground began to freeze. The cold slowly crept up my legs and suddenly I longed for my warm suit. I wondered if the other Purples had already noticed my absence...

For a while I strayed and then leant against a tree, completely exhausted. I wanted to close my eyes, but every rustle made me flinch and spin around. I listened to the silence and held my breath again. At some point I probably had fallen asleep because when I heard something rustling again, my eyes shot open. I found myself sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree. It was now completely dark and dead silent. Slowly standing up, I saw light in the distance. Like the beam of a flashlight.

Are the guards still hunting me? Where should I run now?

When I heard a crackling near me, I spun around, holding my breath as my heartbeat quickened. Tense, I slowly and quietly stepped back. To my bad luck there was a gaping abyss behind me that led into depth. I lost my balance and tumbled with a surprised scream backwards. Within seconds, my body hit the ground and I spun over several times, slipping down more and more until my head hit something hard and suddenly everything went black.

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