20 | Before the storm

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I didn't listen to Mr. Langdon as he was introducing himself to the Purples and the other Grays in the community room again. I observed the others hopeful gaze during his speech the whole time. They were probably anticipating that his appearance meant safety and rescue but I wasn't so sure about that anymore. Something told me that I couldn't trust him.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Miss Venable's arm brushing my back. I tried to catch a fleeting glimpse of her but I soon realized she was looking in Mr. Langdon's direction with a cold stare and hadn't probably brushed me on purpose. Nevertheless, I noticed that she was standing closer to me than usual. I could even hear her regular breathing near my ear, which somehow gave me goosebumps. The ability of this woman to manage to faze me every time she was close to me slightly frightened me.

"...but there's still hope for some of you - The sanctuary"

Murmurs went through the entire room until Langdon lifted a hand to make everyone pay attention again. "I know you have many questions. I have the answers", the tall man continued with a calm voice.  "The sanctuary is a safe place where I will take you and which provides enough nutrition for everyone to have at least three meals a day. There are high safety measures no invader is able to penetrate. The Sanctuary was built to ensure a safe place for the next generation of us"

"So you're picking only some of us? Because you said only some of us have the possibility to get there", Coco interrupted him impatiently.

"I invite all of you to take part in an interview with me so I can choose if you are merit to be a part of the next generation. I can take all of you or even none"

"Is this the 'Hunger Games' or some kind of joke? Why wouldn't you just take all of us? Isn't there enough space?", Coco was at the end of her rope.

And yet Langdon didn't get mad. He even gave her a slight smile. "The Sanctuary provides enough space. But you can't develop a population with the wrong people. I was chosen by the Cooperative to take a closer look at each of you that's all I can tell you. The rest has to remain strictly confidential"

"And what happens to the ones who aren't chosen?", Emily dared to ask at the other end of the couch, visibly stiffening as everyone's gaze meandered to her.

"They have to stay here until the Outpost finally is overrun by the creatures outside. But there's a solution to every problem", Mr. Langdon revealed some kind of black pills. "In this case I highly recommend taking these and you'll fall asleep immediately and never wake up. You won't even feel anything"

The Purples' faces went pale. Someone gasped. I swallowed hard and slowly began to panic. This couldn't be real...What on earth was going on here?

"Um... I volunteer to go first", Mr. Gallant  quickly rose his hand and Langdon gave him a mysterious smile.

"And so you should.. I'm looking forward to interview all of you"


I was staring at the floor, playing with my fingers impatiently and chewing my bottom lip as I was waiting in the lonely hallway for the heavy sliding door to be opened. Mr. Gallant had been in there before me for an eternity so I got even more nervous. Was it just coincidence that Langdon had sent Gallant to fetch me for the next interview? I didn't even know if Gallant had been chosen or not but his facial expression seemed very blank and his mind elsewhere as he had approached me minutes ago so I suspected that his interview might not have proceeded that well... Was there even hope for me especially as this strange man was in control of the selection?

𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 [Venable X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now