Chapter 29: She Lost It

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"I'm good," I raised up a hand to reassure the classmates who came to my assistance.

"How could you be 'good' after that!?" a boy shouted indignantly.

No, really, I'm good. My clothes probably weren't, though. The stains and splinters on the uniform were going to be hell to wash off, but luckily there was something called <Purification>. Magic sure was convenient.

Anyway, this was really just carelessness on my part. Despite going through two blunt force impacts that should have incapacitated a normal human being no problem, I was fine. I didn't even feel an ounce of pain. As for why I was flung like a rag doll, I think I had an answer for that.

No matter how indestructible my body was, I still had to obey the laws of physics. When a massive object slams into one that was significantly smaller in both weight and size, it was common sense that the latter would get flung away, provided there was nothing locking either of the things in place.

I didn't enter into a proper stance, I had only slightly widened my legs apart. I was not familiar with this kind of thing, and no matter how much experience the body had in combat, the mind was still responsible for decision making. Even if my muscles were hard coded to move as the fighter Roselia Rhongomyniad was, my mind was the one who gave the go ahead to the body.

As a result, the sheer kinetic force transmitted to my body had no other place to go except to send me flying. Yeah, this was a good learning experience. Although it was very unlikely that I would have battles in the future that would have this as a major deciding factor, but it was still something that was good to know. Gathering more information on how exactly my body operates was always a good choice.

I needed to know more about the combat capability of this body. Again, as I mentioned before, there was a very low chance the inhabitants of this world could stand up against me, much less the massive combined armed forces behind my back.

However, I was not going to let some unknown weakness lead to me sustaining an injury. Wounds hurt, you know! Especially for a modern human like me that spent hours in bed crying over a stubbed toe. W-what? Stubbing your toes was very painful, you know!?

Even if the inhabitants of this world had extremely low levels, the same couldn't be said about monsters which Eden had little information on, since it was not a focus of the Intelligence Department.

Besides, low levels did not imply they could not inflict damage. Defense rating or defense ignoring attacks could be my downfall, although I have a skill that pretty much negated everything, <Overwhelming Difference>.

<Overwhelming Difference> was not just limited to instantly destroying low level enemies, but it also reduced the damage to zero of every normal attack and skill that came from targets of a level difference of seventy. Of course, special skills or status effects would still go through a defense or resistance check.

I deactivated such a skill, as mentioned the previous time when I killed those bandits razing Nia's village, and I still didn't receive any damage from the troll. All of it was completely consumed by my defense stats, even though I had zero armor and buffs.

I didn't even spec Roselia as a tank character either, I focused purely on the agility, magical offense, and physical attack areas. Especially after I received the class corrections of the Dragon Arbitrator.

"All of you, get behind me!" the macho teacher ran in front of us with his sword drawn.

Oh, macho teacher was about to use his macho muscles!

As expected of a responsible teacher, he immediately used himself as a shield to defend a boy who had tripped while running away from the troll. His blade blocked the blow from the troll, but his sword was knocked out of his hands—

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