Chapter 60: The Unknowable Love For A Sister

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A/N: An announcement regarding my update schedule after this extra long update.


I, Izanami Tenko, would like to understand the musing of lesser humans. No, I really do. The shrine maiden of the Celestial Shrines, the familiar of Tenko, and a demon of Mount Rashao. The existence that bore those titles would like to comprehend a lesser race. How depressingly amusing. Of the things to be intrigued by, I chose the most simplistic creatures to ever walk this world.

Gaze upon them. Admire them. Laugh at them. Despair for them. Could they truly be the first race to be considered living beings that possessed intelligence? Then again, they do say the first few attempts at anything would often be failures.

After all, I couldn't do anything but feel absolute disgust and pity for the ones who were running past me. They who could do nothing but run in fear in the face of tragedy, for they were weak. They who could do nothing but wail about the unfairness of the world, when they themselves tried nothing to right the wrong placed upon them.

"Lady, what are you doing!? Can't you see everyone's running away!?" a lesser one called out to me.

I didn't reply, for even mustering the strength to deal with someone like him was tiring. I continued walking down the street, approaching the center of the chaos. The city was dyed in screams, but it was easy to accomplish such a task. However, in this current situation, it was likely the cause of it all was my dear sister. Well, "dear" or not, she still was my sister. Whether I wanted such a family member or not, it still meant she was my responsibility...even though that only worked as a one way relationship.

Izanagi was...well, she was like the sun. She cared little for what others thought of her, and lived life like the unmovable sun in the sky. Well, there was one exception, but it was her. Bringing that person into a conversation was a bit unfair, no? Anyway, Izanagi was perhaps the real demon. Of the two of us, it was always her who inherited the blood of a demon. It was always her who possessed the insanity of us both. It was always her who was always a better demon than I will ever be.

Izanagi was born with everything, and I was given the scraps. If she stood at the top of us demons proclaiming the brilliance of our kind, then I was a mere shadow of her. No, perhaps even less than that. I was only a reflection of her shadow. A pitiable existence that should not have been born.

Why was I saying these things? Honestly, I believe my relationship with my twin was the source of my interest in the lesser humans. Since I did not venture out of the shrines often, it was my first time in the center of a disaster ravaging a human settlement. The first time watching these creatures scrambling about, sinking into their miserable pile of weaknesses. The first time I observed such...madness. Just how could these weaklings bear to carry on everyday, wallowing in their pool of self pity? It was inexplicable. Yet, I saw some semblance of sanity in there.

Sometime during my musings, another human came up to me, all the while shouting in my face, "Miss, I must recommend you evacuate this area now. There's a monster rampaging up ahead!"

I scanned the appearance of the man who stopped me, before losing interest quickly. After all, lesser humans all looked the same. If not for their style of dressing, I would have a hard time separating females from males. It was a testament to the absurdity of the lesser ones. They desired so little for something greater that they all ended up mushed in a cesspool of mediocrity. Blended into the same disgusting sight that one couldn't even bear to gaze upon. At the end of the day, garbage were unrecognizable from trash.

The higher races at least possessed individuality. They were all easily differentiated form one another. Be it through beauty, ugliness, cuteness, or any other kind of defining trait, the higher races were truly individuals. Even if it was a negative trait, at least they put in the effort to be memorable. To leave such an impression on the world to the point where their appearances were corrected during their evolution, or were born with those traits in the beginning if they were ancient races like dragons. But mediocrity? It was the worst any living creature could be.

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